пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

On the influence of alcohol and nicotine on parodontium

Trident gum ingredients
Most people who chronically drink alcohol, there is change in periodontitis. Harmful effects of alcohol on parodontium done in several ways: through the other body systems (digestive, nervous, endocrine, etc.) and through the mucous membrane of periodontitis.

Indirect negative effects of alcohol can be illustrated by many facts. Under their influence weakened immune response. In patients with alcoholism violated metabolism and the process of salivation. Their incidence in 1,2 times higher than that of persons who are not drinkers. The most frequently observed diseases of the digestive system: among patients with gastrointestinal profile 30,2% were patients with chronic alcoholism. Disease of the stomach (gastritis) due to the direct effect of alcohol on the mucosa. Another possible mechanism of dysfunction of the stomach - through the nerve centers that affect the metabolism in the gastric mucosa. Patients with chronic alcoholism (even stage I) there are significant changes in blood vessels, which are a major cause of periodontal disease.

Abuse of alcohol weakens the body's defenses. Added to this the fact that patients with chronic alcoholism, usually irregularly and irrationally feed.

Most dental diseases are the result of alcohol. Patients with chronic alcoholism often develop traumatic osteomyelitis. Pathological processes poorly responsive to treatment.

Patients with chronic alcoholism parodontium is affected 2 times more likely than teetotalers. At a young age, patients with chronic alcoholism, usually occurs periodontitis.

Direct effects of alcohol is carried out in various ways: by increasing the permeability of the mucous membrane of the gums, increase the activity of the microflora of dental plaque due to poor content of the oral cavity, as well as by suppressing the protective mechanisms of alcohol saliva. Especially an effect of the microflora contained in dental plaque and extragingival pockets, the decline in the natural resistance and resilience of the organism, which is characteristic for patients with alcoholism.

One of the most effective measures to prevent seeding of oral microflora is regular and proper care of her. But patients with chronic alcoholism do not perform basic sanitation requirements: 70% of them do not brush their teeth at all, but a large percentage of patients using a toothbrush is extremely irregular.

Do not promote self-cleaning, oral diet and patients with alcoholism. They do not watch their diet, do not take into account the needs of the organism in various substances.

Chronic poisoning of the body alcohol compounded smoking. This habit is observed in 98% of patients with alcoholism. Tobacco adversely affects the periodontal tissues with any method of its use - chewing, smoking. High incidence of periodontitis observed in humans, chewing tobacco and betel.

Permeability of the mucous membrane resulting impact on the alcohol increased, thereby increasing absorbability of poisonous substances, microbial antigens and allergens. This increases the risk of various allergic diseases, poisoning the body with harmful substances of domestic and industrial origin.

Among the supporters of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages there is a perception that dry wine, brandy, beer does not have a negative effect on the body. Moreover, some of them even believe that small doses of alcohol have healing properties, for example, improve appetite, promotes relaxation in stressful situations. The results also many studies show the opposite. Alcohol does not eliminate stress, under his influence distorted human reaction to ongoing unpleasant events.

Alcohol interferes with the digestive system, blood formation, metabolism, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, makes a variety of dental diseases. It distorts the food reflex, extinguishes hunger, inhibits the allocation of gastric juice, which leads to the development of gastritis.

Not confirmed and the opinion of the antimicrobial action of alcohol. Proved that in order to reach a fatal concentration of alcohol for the microbes in the body, a person must drink at least 10 liters of spirits, but this dose is several times higher than lethal.

Fusel oil - a mandatory component of alcoholic beverages, especially liquor. In general, they define the toxicity (toxicity) of the drink. Introduced in the body alcohol very quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood. In the organs and tissues, it is unevenly distributed. Thus, it is concentrated in the liver by 50%, and in the brain of a 75% higher than in blood. Therefore, it is not surprising that one strong intoxication is accompanied by loss of several thousand brain cells.

Alcohol causes oxygen starvation of cells, increases blood viscosity, contributing to blockage of capillaries, and hence a violation of the microcirculation in the tissues, including in the periodontium. Inadequate blood supply periodontium contributes to the development of periodontitis and periodontitis.

Thus, adding to a existing diseases, promoting the development of new, reducing the ability of an organism to resist harmful influences of the environment, alcohol reduces a person's life.

вторник, 25 августа 2009 г.

Teeth whitening

Trident gum ingredientsMany people find it very embarrassing to have discolored or stained teeth. They often develop undesirable and nervous habits such as covering their mouths when they smile. Some do not even smile or laugh in public and while taking photographs. But now yellow teeth are not much of a problem anymore, because several teeth whitening methods are available which will help your teeth look great and sparkling white.

There are several reasons why your teeth might develop a stained or discolored appearance. The most usual culprits are the environmental factors that you are exposed to on a daily basis and also unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking too much coffee or tea. Nicotine in the smoke reacts with the teeth to stain them. Teeth whiteners may help smokers temporarily, but if they continue smoking the teeth may revert to the yellowish tinge. Coffee and tea also stain the teeth over time because they alter the PH balance in the teeth. A good teeth whitener will help regain the lost color of the teeth.

Dentists use several teeth whitening methods to help you get your smile back. There are also quite a few teeth whiteners available in the market which will help whiten teeth. However, getting it done professionally by a good dentist is often the better option because you can be assured of the results. Professional teeth whitening also lasts longer. A home teeth whitener may be a good choice if you desire only a slight change.

Teeth whitening is often cosmetic, most people who desire to whiten their teeth have perfectly healthy teeth. Find the best teeth whitening product that works for you and get into a constant routine to maintain those pearly whites. As a child, your teeth were completely covered by strong, white enamel that acts as a protective barrier. Due to the daily stress this enamel wears away slowly becoming more and more translucent and the core of the teeth, dentin, begins to show through. Dentin is yellow in color and that is the reason why teeth develop a dull, unattractive color.

Taking care of your teeth should get into your daily routine. Brush your teeth as you wake up and before you go to bed. For extra care, get into the practice of brushing your teeth after breakfast as well. Floss, scrub your tongue and also use a good mouth wash. Adding a teeth whitening product to your regular brushing routine is a recommended practice to boost the whiteness of the teeth.

Author resource text:
The author recommends http://www.dentist.net for teeth whiteners, teeth whitening products and teeth whitening methods.

Sourse: http://www.amazines.com/

суббота, 15 августа 2009 г.

Preventing gum disease

Preventing gum disease
Everyone knows that all the diseases of teeth and gums, usually caused by bacteria, and therefore must comply with the basic rule of prevention - a good oral hygiene.

This means not only cleaning brush teeth 2 times a day, and the use of sutures or dental flossa for a thorough cleaning interdental spacing.

In addition, after each meal should rinse your teeth. According to many dentists, not only effectively cleans the teeth but also help strengthen the teeth and gum chewing gum. This does not mean, of course, that throughout the day you need to chew gum - would be enough and 10 minutes. There is a need to buy do not contain sugar, chewing gum, and not to use several times a gum. Also recommended after eating chew natural deodorant means-piece aira root or twig of black currant.

Bleeding gums may occur not only because of their defeat by bacteria, it may be due to a number of diseases that are not related to dentistry, such as: diabetes, anemia, leukemia, other forms of scurvy and beriberi. And in such cases must also be treated to the dentist, but in parallel and should be treated by specialists in major diseases.

It is shown that the health of teeth and gums is very important not only hygiene, but also proper nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins, and carbohydrates should be limited quantity. Especially useful is the raw hard fruits and vegetables: apples, carrots - it not only supplies the body with vitamins, but also an excellent strengthening gums. Such a strengthening of the gums is recommended to start from childhood, and for the inhabitants of megacities is particularly relevant.

There are cases where gingivitis starts as a result of improper sealing of dental equipment or deficient prosthetic teeth. If after installing the prosthesis in a gum pain, gum swollen and red - to immediately contact the dentist. When inflammation of the gums as a result of the removal of teeth or improper treatment, a dentist at no extra cost to cure the effects of medical errors.

вторник, 4 августа 2009 г.

Care of the mouth in children

Trident gum ingredientsRecently, the development of caries increased among 2-3 year old children. At this age it is very difficult and even dangerous to provide any effective relief, and treatment is usually performed only under anesthesia.

Prevention of caries should begin when the child has not yet increased milk teeth, because the greatest number of microbes into the mouth to the child at this time. And it happens because:

• The child has no individual dishes
• Adults to try feeding foods with a spoon
• Frequent kiss moms, dads and other relatives
• Adults lick fallen dummy instead of what would oshparit her with boiling water

We recommend that after every meal to clean the baby mouth. It needs warm boiled water, cotton swab or gauze cloth. When you first milk teeth - purchase toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Pastes is better to use from about the age of two. Brush your teeth for children should be parents. This activity can be conducted in the form of the game.

The main disadvantages of toothpaste for children under 6 years:

1. Low even in the complete absence of fluoride. Typically, this is indicated on the package. We recommend that you apply the paste to the content of fluorine ions to 500ch/mln.
2. Small abrasive (abrade the impact of the paste on the tooth hard tissue). Abrasive should be in the range of 50 units (also available on the package).
3. For maximum protection against caries in the children's toothpaste should be composed of phosphorus and calcium
4. Convenient packaging and attractive appearance

Teeth whitening safer than orange juice, says study

Trident gum ingredientsConcentrations of hydrogen peroxide used in professional and over the counter teeth whitening processes don't cause significant changes to tooth enamel, according to US researchers.

Conversely the researchers found that an everyday practice such as drinking acidic fruit juices can have significant negative effects on the hardness and the roughness of tooth enamel.

The scientists, led by YanFang Ren at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health at the University of Rochester, investigated the effects of hydrogen peroxide 6 percent on tooth enamel.

According to the team, when compared to orange juice the hydrogen peroxide did not lead to any significant changes in the hardness of surface enamel.

After 20 minutes of daily exposure for five days to eBright Tooth Whitening Accelerator (6 percent hydrogen peroxide) provided by Beyond Dental Health which part funded the study, surface hardness was reduced by 5.6 percent.

Insignificant when compared to orange juice

However, compared to 20 minutes exposure to orange juice which reduced surface enamel by 84.4 percent, the researchers concluded the teeth whitening was insignificant.

"Enamel surface becomes significantly softer and rougher after the orange juice challenge," wrote the authors.

"The acid is so strong that the tooth is literally washed away," said lead author Ren.

Furthermore, softened and roughened enamel surfaces may predispose the tooth to the development of dental caries and non-carious lesions such as abrasion and attrition, according to the study.

The authors discussed the potential of fluoride to protect against the assault of acidic soft drinks on the teeth as it has been shown to help harden the enamel surface after whitening treatments; however, they were unsure as to fluoride's potential to fight against the dangers of acidic soft drinks.

"In contrast, the effectiveness of fluoride treatments on erosion caused by soft drinks has not been firmly established. Some studies have indicated that fluoride treatment had limited effect_but others have show that higher concentrations of fluoride could indeed reduce the erosive effects of soft drinks on surface enamel."

The researchers conclude that the results provide dentists with a unique perspective on the relative impact of tooth whitening on dental hard tissues.

Katie Bird,
Sourse: Cosmeticsdesign.com

пятница, 24 июля 2009 г.

Best over the counter teeth whitening - learn the truth about home teeth whiteners

Trident gum ingredientsWhen you have looked at all the options for getting white teeth again, you might have discovered that dental procedures are too costly. Once you start looking at home teeth whiteners you will be bombarded with tons of information and products. You might be overwhelmed at all the options and pick something that might not work. You need to learn about the best over the counter teeth whitening products.

The first thing you should keep in mind with teeth whitening products is the essential ingredients. The reason that your teeth can from yellow to white is because they are basically being bleached. This is done with the naturally formed hydrogen peroxide. This is basically a very concentrated form of oxygen. When this substance is applied to anything including your hair or your teeth, it whitens them.

With at home tooth whitening systems, the content of hydrogen peroxide cannot be very high. This is because it is very dangerous and can damage your gums and insides if accidentally swallowed. This is why you should look for the best over the counter tooth whitening product with the highest hydrogen peroxide content.

Make sure that when you purchase this kind of teeth whitening system, that you get the ones with the gel and gum guard. These work the best because they get the entire contents onto the teeth at once and are left for a period of time to work. Some products are advertised as tooth pastes that you brush on and then leave for a bit. These will not be as effective and some may not work at all because the ingredient has no time to work.

Once you know what to look out for when purchasing the teeth whitening from a store you will be able to get the best results. You can have whiter teeth in a short space of time.

Click here to get your risk free trial so you can have a brighter and whiter celebrity smile in minutes not days with the best over the counter teeth whitening endorsed by celebrities.

Author: Lee Ann Hairston
Sourse: http://www.ideamarketers.com/

вторник, 14 июля 2009 г.

Your teeth

Trident gum ingredientsYou bite into an apple and then try to start talking to your friend about yesterday's math homework. Suddenly something feels funny — one of your baby teeth has fallen out! It's been loose forever, and now there it is, right in your hand. And you have an empty space in your mouth big enough to poke a drinking straw through.

Before you put that tooth under your pillow, did you know that there is much more to that tooth than meets the eye? A single tooth has many different parts that make it work. And teeth play an important role in your daily life. They not only let you eat stuff like apples, they also help you talk. So let's talk teeth!
Tiny Teeth

Unlike your heart or brain, your teeth weren't ready to work from the day you were born. Although babies have the beginnings of their first teeth even before they are born, teeth don't become visible until babies are about 6 to 12 months old.

After that first tooth breaks through, more and more teeth begin to appear. Most kids have their first set of teeth by the time they are 3 years old. These are called the primary or baby teeth, and there are 20 in all. When a child gets to age 5 or 6, these teeth start falling out, one by one.

A primary tooth falls out because it is being pushed out of the way by the permanent tooth that is behind it. Slowly, the permanent teeth grow in and take the place of the primary teeth. By about age 12 or 13, most kids have lost all of their baby teeth and have a full set of permanent teeth.

There are 28 permanent teeth in all — eight more than the original set of baby teeth. Between the ages of 17 and 21, four more teeth called wisdom teeth usually grow in at the back of the mouth. They complete the adult set of 32 teeth.

Source: http://www.amazines.com/

Trident gum ingredients and facts

Trident gum ingredients
Trident gum is a very popular brand of gum in the world. After first being offered in the nineteen sixties as the first gum to contain no sugar, it became best known for its slogan, "Four out of Five Dentists would recommend sugarless gum to patients who chew gum." The first, proposed in the nineteen sixties as a first resin do not contain sugar, it has become most famous for his slogan, "Four out of five Dentists recommends saccharin resins for patients who chew gum."

Trident does not, in fact, use sugar and instead uses a chemical called "xylitol" which is a type of "sugar alcohol". Trident is not, in fact, the use of sugar, and instead uses a chemical called "xylitol", which is a type of sugar alcohol. " Xylitol actually protects teeth and is good for you. Xylitol actually protects your teeth, and it is good for you. Trident also uses these chemicals in their product: Trident also uses these chemicals in their products:

-Acesulfame potassium-Acesulfame Potassium
Trident offers many different types of gum and flavors. Trident offers various types of resins and flavors. Trident offers these following sub-brands of gum: "Trident is offering the following sub-brands of gum:

Trident-the original, rectangular shaped gum. Trident-original rectangular gum. This is the most commonly found Trident product. This is most often found Trident product.

Trident White-Shaped like pellets like Dentyne gum. Trident-and-white in the form of granules, as Dentyne gum. Marketed as a teeth whitener. Sold as a teeth whitener.

Trident Fusion-Shaped like original Trident. Trident-Fusion of the original Trident. Offers two different flavors mixed together in one package. Proposals to mix two different flavors in one package.

Trident Splash-Shaped like pellets like Trident White. Trident-Splash the form of granules as Trident White. This gum has a flavor full liquid filling inside the gum. This resin has a full aroma of liquid inside the gums.

Source: http://www.tridentgumingredients.com/

суббота, 4 июля 2009 г.

Cosmetic dentistry: everything you need to know about teeth whitening

Trident gum ingredientsThanks to cosmetic dentistry, we have come a long way from the false teeth that George Washington wore—and apparently found excruciatingly painful. (By the way, his falsies were never made of wood; George had two sets, one of the finest hippopotamus ivory and the other of gold.). Nope, nowadays you can have a whole new set of teeth implanted if you wish and that’s just one of the many new advances made by the dental profession in the last couple of decades.

The procedures that are performed by cosmetic dentists include everything from veneers, bonding, inlays and overlays to dental implants, but the most popular procedure performed by cosmetic dentists is teeth whitening. To quote CNN, "According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, teeth whitening is the number one request from patients between the ages of 20 and 50. And more than a billion dollars a year is spent on the procedure.” Goodbye old yellows, hello pearly whites!

If you are thinking about putting some flash in your dash and a whiter smile on your face, it might interest you to know how Americans feel about attractive versus unattractive smiles. In a national survey carried out by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry® it was learned that:

* “Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset.
* 96% of adults believe that an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.
* Three-quarters (74%) of adults feel that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for career success.”

Apparently an attractive smile comes with perks attached, but what does that say for the unattractive smile? Answer: Not having one can ruin your sex life, your social life and your career it seems. Now that’s a lot of clout for a bright white smile. As far as teeth are concerned, the old adage, “go West young man,” has become today’s dental adage, “go white young man.”

Before you exit smiling though, there are a few things about teeth whitening that you might like to know.

What Causes Yellow or Discolored Teeth?

The color of teeth is determined by heredity and the intrauterine conditions to which a fetus is exposed during development. Over the years, teeth are then subjected to any number of environmental factors and intrinsic processes that turn once bright toothpaste smiles into dull, lackluster and yellowed ones. The longer you live and use your teeth, the more likely it is that they will show discoloration over time. Some of the factors that contribute to a change in the color of teeth are:

* Tobacco use (chewed or smoked)
* Highly pigmented food or drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, certain soft drinks, cherries, blueberries, carrots, some color additives in candy
* Plaque and tartar buildup
* Certain drugs like tetracycline, an antibiotic
* Fluoride ingestion (in amounts exceeding 2 parts of fluoride per million parts of water) during pregnancy when fetal teeth are forming (the cause of mottling)
* Traumatic damage to teeth nerves and nerve roots

Teeth can discolor further where chips and cracks in enamel provide nooks and crannies for stains to deposit, and bruxism or the grinding of teeth also contributes to wear and tear.

Getting Those Pearly Whites Back

The intent of whitening teeth is to improve their color. This is accomplished by removing stains and discolouration with a the systematic application of a substance containing bleach directly to the tooth surface. The procedure can be carried out in a dentist’s office or at home and often some combination of each is preferred, starting the in the office then following up with further applications at home.

Your cosmetic dentist will discuss your color expectations with you, show you charts that demonstrate various color outcomes (from shade A to Shade D, for example) and give you an opinion, based on the quality and composition of your teeth, as to how likely it is that the process will achieve your desired color selection.

As far as color is concerned, teeth have individual characteristics that pre-determine and or influence the result that you can anticipate. Obviously older teeth are likely to be more difficult to lighten and may also lighten to a lesser degree than the teeth of a much younger person. Similarly, teeth with mottling stains caused by an over abundance of fluoride can be lightened but never to the intensity of teeth unaffected by fluorosis. Your innate tooth color also determines to some degree how well your teeth will respond to bleaching. Yellow-brown colored teeth respond better than those that are in the green-grey range. Finally, even though all teeth have some degree of translucency, teeth that are opaque and thick respond significantly better to bleaching than those that are thin and more transparent. This is because the bleach targets teeth pigment; therefore, heavily pigmented teeth respond better to lightening than minimally pigmented teeth.

After you and your dentist determine your mutual goal, a mold will be made of your teeth and from that mold, flexible, customized trays will be fashioned to hold the beaching substance. (When the trays are completed, they look exactly like a set of hollow, rubber false teeth.) The bleaching substance is added to the trays and the trays are inserted over your teeth for a specified period of time. If you are implementing the process at home, the dentist will tell you how often to repeat the application and how long the trays are to stay in each time. At the end of the process, you should have much brighter teeth and a happier smile.

Many dental practices also use a technique in the office that consists of: (1) applying a peroxide-based compound that varies in strength (from 3-30% peroxide) directly to the tooth surface and (2) effecting a chemical reaction in the compound by administering an external source of heat which causes whitening to occur more rapidly. This procedure is usually undertaken before the patient begins the bleaching tray procedure. The dentist will protect your gums and lips from the bleaching compound by applying a gel-like, bleach-resistant substance to them prior to beginning the process.

In-office whitening is the quickest way to obtain an increased whiteness because under the watchful eye of a professional, the concentration of bleach in the whitening compound can be increased as needed as opposed to take-home compounds that have a weaker peroxide content which extends the time needed to achieve the desired results. In the case of severe discoloration, more than one in-office visit may be necessary and or the dentist may give you trays and the compound to take home. The bleaching process in the dentist’s office can take up to one hour and is accomplished in 15-20 minute increments.

The average cost of a one hour bleaching session in $650 nationwide. It is importnant to note that return visits for maintainence is not only suggested but will likely be needed as teeth begin to darken again with use.

For follow-ups, your dentist may suggest a take-home whitening kit that you obtain directly from his office. It is reported that dentists consider these kits to be nearly as effective as in-office visits and some even think they do a better job over the long haul. These kits generally cost around $400, depending on the brand you select and your geographical location.

Finally, there are also many over-the-counter whitening kits and strips available to consumers today. Kits contain flexible trays and bleaching compounds, but as noted above, the substances in these kits contain a considerably lower percentage of bleaching agent. Still, they are quite effective when used on lightly stained teeth or for maintenance following an in-office treatment. The price is more affordable too, usually coting less than $100.

What To Watch Out For

Despite many improvements in the bleaching process, there will always be some individuals who will react poorly to the various chemicals in the whitening compound.

Irritable or swollen gums are red flags that should be reported to your dentist and carefully monitored. Often after several applications of the bleaching compound, the swelling and tenderness will disappear leaving you free to continue your bleaching treatments.

Having a new, dazzling smile may not bring you riches and fame, but the leap of self confidence and the increase in self-esteem that you will experience because of it will make you feel as if the world is at your feet--and that pretty much covers it from head to toe.

Source: http://www.articlecity.com/

Autor: Pat Perkins is a copywriter for Yodle Local, a business directory and online advertising company. Find more cosmetic surgery tips and info at local.yodle.com/articles. Cosmetic Dentistry: Everything You Need to Know about Teeth Whitening.
Author's web site at: local.yodle.com

Teeth: popular teeth whitening treatments

Trident gum ingredientsA lot of people desire to have a brilliant smile with shiny and sparkling bright teeth. To achieve it, they consume lots of money on teeth whitening products. Teeth bleaching is just one of the few teeth whitening treatments.

Bleaching is an excellent teeth whitening treatment. It is the most widely known treatment for whitening teeth because it is cheaper compared to laser treatment. The treatment is done without taking away any of the tooth surface.

Each of us has distinct tooth color. Naturally, a lot of smokers have stained teeth.. But others are blessed with pearly white teeth.

Typically teeth bleaching is suited for those who have discolored teeth like smokers and those who are eating but fail to brush properly. It is recommended that you seek an advice to a dentist before applying these teeth whitening product.

Dentist will tell you if it's appropriate for you to undergo a teeth whitening treatment and will recommend it if you are. First the dentist will apply a gel or rubber shield on gums so that the soft tissue will not be damaged. Then they will apply the bleaching product to the teeth by means of a tray which will fit the shape of your mouth. After this the dentist would just give you some instructions and you'll continue the treatment at home.

The active ingredients of bleaching products such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide makes the teeth white. When the active ingredient starts to break, the oxygen goes inside the enamel of the teeth and then the tooth color made lighter. Treatments like this are usually done in three to four weeks.

There are new products that can be applied for eight hours at a time. You can perform the treatment when it is time for you to sleep. The result can be achieved for at least one week only.

You still have another option for whitening your teeth which is laser teeth whitening. In laser teeth whitening a rubber dam will be placed over the teeth so as to shield the gums from being damaged, and then a whitening product is applied to your teeth. A laser is used to trigger the chemical applied to the teeth. It boosts the chemical effect of the bleaching product so that the change of color can be achieved quickly.

The dentist needs to check your teeth to ensure that you're suitable to undergo the treatment. It is the fastest procedure that may only take for about an hour.

The effects of bleaching teeth can last up to three years and may differ from one person to another. Of course if you keep on smoking and drink or eat products that can stain your teeth the effect is less likely to last long. During or after the treatment you'll fell your teeth become sensitive to cold. But these symptoms are usually disappears within a few days after the treatment is done.

There are lots of whitening teeth products that are made available. These are effective in removing stain and enhance the entire appearance of your teeth but it would not affect the natural color of your teeth. Once your teeth undergo a whitening treatment, a whitening paste can be helpful to make the effect last longer.

There are many ways to keep your teeth white. Try cutting down the amount of food that you eat or drink that causes a stain or discoloration of your teeth. Also stop smoking and make a habit to brush your teeth three times a day to prevent staining or discoloring of your teeth.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Autor: Nicholas Tan has been involved in Internet Marketing, SEO, Adwords, & Adsense for more than 5 years and designs and develops websites. Submit your articles and get your articles noticed! Submit Articles! We provide free articles and information. Check us out at Free Articles!

среда, 24 июня 2009 г.

Do We Actually Know Enough to Keep Healthy Teeth?

trident gum ingredients
Do human beings actually know what they can do to keep their teeth healthy and clean? At a first glance we'd be inclined to say “yes”, but there are lots of things that we ignore or pay too little attention to. How often do we ask ourselves what happens in the mouth after we suck at some delicious candies or eat an entire chocolate bar in one go? Well, the thing that we don't know is that bacteria are restless, and they have no other greater environment to grow into than the acid one created after some sugary thing has been chewed. Healthy teeth are definitely in danger when the dental enamel falls pray to bacteria.

Should we put a ban on sweets then if we want healthy teeth and a beautiful smile? Absolutely not, all we need to do is to actually try and limit eating sweets to meal times, since the saliva production helps you better cope with the bacteria. The enzymes in the saliva help to the natural neutralization process of the bacteria, not to mention the fact that saliva also washes food particles away. There are some tricks you could stick to in order to preserve healthy teeth. First of all, you could rinse your mouth with fresh water to minimize the sugar level in the mouth.

Then, if you chew some sugar free gum after the meal, you'll increase the saliva production and thus lower the bacterial threat. Experts also claim that cheese for instance will restore the pH balance after the meal, and you'd be able to have healthy teeth despite eating sweets. Furthermore, in case you have a soft drink, use a straw to sip it so that you minimize the contact of the teeth with the sugary liquid. Some drinks are not recommended at all for somebody who is keen on having perfect healthy teeth: coffee and tea are two such beverages that can easily stain the enamel and even dry the mouth.

Even when they are 100% natural, too acidic fruit juices can equally destroy the pH balance in the mouth, attacking otherwise healthy teeth. Orange juice for instance changes the acid level in the mouth and leaves the teeth exposed to decay. The only things that can save you under the circumstances of an improper diet are closely related to the oral health routine you establish for yourself. You can even talk to your dentist to ask for advice and have him or her recommend a special toothpaste or mouthwash that best suits your dental condition.

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Teeth for Years. For More Information on Healthy Teeth, Visit His Site at HEALTHY TEETH

Article Source: articlesbase.com

Taking Care of Your Teeth

trident gum ingredients
When you get your picture taken, everyone says, "Say cheese! Smile!" So you do - you open your mouth and show your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person looking back at you. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that?

It's because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they'll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.
Why Healthy Teeth Are Important

How does taking care of your teeth help with all those things? Taking care of your teeth helps prevent plaque (say: plak), which is a clear film that sticks to your teeth. The film itself might not sound so bad, but it's very sticky, and it acts like a magnet for bacteria (say: bak-teer-ee-uh) and sugar.

Like ants at a picnic, bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, breaking it down into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis (say: jin-juh-vi-tis), which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore. Your gums are those soft pink tissues in your mouth that hold your teeth in place.

If you don't take care of your teeth, it won't be long before cavities and unhealthy gums make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won't feel like smiling so much.

Before Toothpaste Was Invented

We're lucky that we know so much now about taking care of our teeth. Long ago, as people got older, their teeth would rot away and be very painful. To get rid of a toothache, they had their teeth pulled out. Finally people learned that cleaning their teeth was important, but they didn't have toothpaste right away. While you're swishing that minty-fresh paste around your mouth, think about what people used long ago to clean teeth:
ground-up chalk or charcoal
lemon juice
ashes (you know, the stuff that's left over after a fire)
tobacco and honey mixed together

It was only about 100 years ago that someone finally created a minty cream to clean teeth. Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented, so people could squeeze the paste right onto the toothbrush! Tooth brushing became popular during World War II. The U.S. Army gave brushes and toothpaste to all soldiers, and they learned to brush twice a day. Back then, toothpaste tubes were made of metal; today they're made of soft plastic and are much easier to squeeze!

Today there are plenty of toothpaste choices: lots of colors and flavors to choose from, and some brands are made just for kids. People with great-looking teeth advertise toothpaste on TV commercials and in magazines. When you're choosing a toothpaste, make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride makes your teeth strong and protects them from cavities. When you brush, you don't need a lot of toothpaste: just squeeze out a bit the size of a pea. It's not a good idea to swallow the toothpaste, either, so be sure to rinse and spit after brushing.
How You Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Kids can take charge of their teeth by taking these steps:
Brush at least twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks. Brushing properly breaks down plaque.
Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Brush away from your gums.
Take your time while brushing. Spend at least 3 minutes each time you brush. If you have trouble keeping track of the time, use a timer or play a recording of a song you like to help pass the time.

Be sure your toothbrush has soft bristles (the package will tell you if they're soft). Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush every 3 months. Some toothbrushes come with bristles that change color when it's time to change them.
Learn how to floss your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels weird the first few times you do it, but pretty soon you'll be a pro. Slip the dental floss between each tooth and up along the gum line. The floss gets rid of food that's hidden where your toothbrush can't get it, no matter how well you brush.

It's also important to visit the dentist twice a year. Besides checking for signs of cavities or gum disease, the dentist will help keep your teeth extra clean, and he or she can help you learn the best way to brush and floss.

It's not just brushing and flossing that keep your teeth healthy - you also need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Remember, the plaque on your teeth is just waiting for that sugar to arrive. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. And don't forget to smile!

Updated and reviewed by: Lisa Goss, RDH, BS and Garrett B.

Article Source: kidshealth.org

пятница, 12 июня 2009 г.

A Natural Remedy for Gingivitis, Toothaches, and Mouth Sores

Trident gum ingredientsEveryone has a variety of bacteria in their mouth. Some have more than others. This bacterium helps you by beginning the digestive process.

Excess bacteria in your mouth have now been found to cause more than tooth decay, gingivitis or gum disease. So, you need to know, even though you might not have gingivitis, how to control these plaque-building bacteria in your mouth.

Bacteria that create gingivitis live in your plaque and cause your gums to inflame, bleed, and separate from your teeth. You can also have bad breath when you have gingivitis. In more severe cases, your gums become sore, teeth hurt, gums recede, and teeth loosen.

To stop the inflammation and gum separation use this natural remedy to kill some of these bacteria and strengthen your gums in your mouth.

Here are the herbs and the formula you will need to make a remedy for a mild case of gingivitis:
2 parts white oak bark herb - powder
1 part myrrh gum herb - power or granules
3/4 part Peppermint leaves converted to powder
1/2 part anise herb - power or seeds
1/8 part clove - powder
If herbs and leaves are not in powder form, grind them in a coffee grinder. Use this formula to make as much powder as you want.

Place the mixture into a small container. I usually use a small-unused vitamin bottle.

I usually mix a small amount and use a tablespoon as my measuring tool. For example, 2 tablespoons of white oak, 1 tablespoon of myrrh gum, 3/4 tablespoon of peppermint leaves, and so on. The measurements do not have to be so precise.

How to use it:
To control bacteria in your mouth, use this power once a week. If you have gingivitis, you can use this 3 times a day. Place some powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums. After brushing spit out, a few time, the saliva and residue powder. Don't rinse out your mouth since you want to keep the active herb powders in your month. You can swallow any that remains in your mouth with no problem.

This powder combination is bitter, but quite powerful and will get the job done. You can add more peppermint powder to make it less bitter, if you like.

For severe cases of gingivitis and toothaches, you can also moist some powder with distilled water and then place the paste all along the your teeth and gums - front and back. Leave the paste in your mouth as long as you can. Don't worry about the herbs getting in between your teeth. This remedy works.

My wife was schedule for a root canal last year and a few weeks before her tooth started paining and couldn't sleep. So I made this remedy. She just placed the powers around the painful area. It wasn't long before the pain stopped and she was able to go to sleep.

There have been other clients that have used this remedy for a month and successfully avoided having the dentist apply gingivitis treatment. In cases of severe gingivitis, go see your dentist and at the same time use this remedy.

Author Bio
Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies That work." You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues, which give you information of how to have better health. Read his latest newsletter at: www.natural-remedies-thatwork.com/archive.html

By: Rudy Silva
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Top 10 tips for healthier gums

Trident gum ingredients1. Floss at least once a day, every day. If your gums are bleeding then it is a clear sign you need to floss more frequently.

2. Try the 3 to 3 rule. Spending 3 minutes a day 3 times a day on oral hygiene can increase and maintain your oral health dramatically.

3. Receding gums are a sign of gum disease, but could also simply be the result of brushing too hard. Avoid using hard-bristled toothbrushes, as they actually damage your teeth and gums. Instead, use a medium or soft-bristled toothbrush.

4. Mixing some baking soda into your brushing routine a few times a week is very good for your gums. Even rinsing your mouth out with baking soda and water from time to time can help protect your teeth and gums from bacteria.

5. Eating well is another great way to keep your gums healthy. When craving something sweet, try eating yogurt and fresh fruit instead of a candy bar. Vitamin C is also known to promote healthy gums, and including it in your diet is just another great way to do so.

6. Chewing sugar free gum after a meal helps stimulate saliva, which is your bodies’ natural defense against harmful acids in the mouth. It does not need to be Trident brand gum, but by chewing sugar free gum after a meal can help prevent gum disease.

7. Use mouthwash once or twice a day after you brush. Mouthwash is a great defense against bacteria in your gums, and keeps your breath fresh too!

8. A waterpik is a another great tool you can add to your dental routine. The rigorous but not overly abrasive pressure gets plaque between teeth and also gently massages your gums.

9. Drinking plenty of water is a safe and healthy well to give your mouth a light rinse multiple times a day and promote gum health.

10. Visit your dentist regularly, at least once or twice a year, is another great way to stay on top of gum disease. The dentist will be able to predict early signs of the disease, and can work with you to create a plan to fight it.

We know going to the dentist isn’t your favorite thing, but at Caring Dentistry of San Rafael we make visiting a more pleasant experience than you’ve ever imagined!

понедельник, 1 июня 2009 г.

Nutrition as a way of preventing dental diseases

trident gum ingredientsYour request could not be processed. A very important role in improving healthy lifestyles, as well as for dental health, proper nutrition plays. Currently, almost 40% of the adult working-age population is overweight, or suffering from obesity. But as a rule, the initial stage of the disease is not regarded as human weakness, which over time leads to a breach of health.

Balanced nutrition is important for the healing of people and enhance their work. Nutrition also affects the appearance of man: body, skin, teeth, hair, to feeling the energy, desire and hard work.

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates by these words: «We do not live to eat, but eat to live». Over the millennia, people have made great efforts to survive in a hard struggle for survival. Initially they used the surrounding flora and fauna. Over time, people are gradually mastered the difficult art of cooking.

The full board must consist of all the components necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They belong to: proteins, mineral salts and water, which are the «building blocks» of organism. Next come the carbohydrates and fats - the source of energy, and, finally, other substances needed to regulate metabolism (vitamins).

In other words, the consumption of food can be such that the total content of nutrients known to meet the physical needs of the organism, would contribute to the preservation of health and maximize efficiency.

Proteins are the basic building blocks the body. Valuable proteins in the meat, fish, milk, eggs and syrah. From this point of view, vegetable proteins are not complete.

The mineral salts are necessary for the formation of tissues of the body (primarily the bones and teeth), maintaining the maximum excitability of nerve and muscle fibers, acid balance.

For example, iron is an integral part of hemoglobin - is contained in the kidneys, heart, oat flakes, wheat, prunes. Zinc melts consisting of insulin, magnesium and manganese are necessary for the maintenance of normal carbohydrate metabolism, and calcium - to build bones. It also affects the heart's activity and has antiinflammatory effects. Good sources of manganese and magnesium are cocoa, almonds, eggs, nuts, and calcium - cheese, lean milk whey.

Important role in the process of metabolism plays phosphorus, which, together with calcium is used as a building material. In sufficient quantities, it is contained in egg yolks, dried peas, syrkovoy mass.

Due to the fact that the human body requires a lot of different chemical elements, their food must be as varied as any of the products is not in the structure of all necessary for normal vital substances.

Fluoride combats tooth decay

trident gum ingredients
Fluoride in contact with one of the major mineral components of enamel - gidroksiapatitom, which is formed gidroksiftorapatit, which is much more resistant to the effects of different acids. This explains the weakening of the permeability of enamel.

In addition, fluorine slows metabolism and growth of micro-mouth - it can inhibit and delay the activity of one of the key enzymes of carbohydrate exchange, but slower than the speed of decomposition of carbohydrates, the less acid is formed. Scientists proved that fluorides also restore mineral and protein metabolism in teeth.

Currently, for the prevention of dental diseases, especially caries, use of organic and inorganic compounds of fluorine. The most frequently used fluorides of sodium, potassium, tin, titanium, aminoftorid. In humans, these substances are normally, drinking water or food. But in many parts of the sources of water fluoride concentration is available in small quantities. A caries appears when its content in drinking water reaches the 0.3 mark.

In this case, leaving the situation may be artificial fluoridation, and some even make fluoridation of table salt, milk and bread. Produced with the various drugs, pastes, gels and tablets, which must be used very carefully. As the excesses of kindness not to bring ...

Fluorosis. This disease appears due to chronic fluoride poisoning organism that develops as a result of prolonged consumption of food and drinking water with high concentrations of fluoride. Most often this disease affects children and adults in contact with fluorine compounds based on their activities. Initially, surface pa enamel formed small white and milk spots or bands, then formed Pigmented spots of yellow or brown color. Structure of hard tissue of the tooth is broken, deformed crown, enamel quickly wiped, and then shear. In severe fluorosis occurs defeat bones (spine and suffer the femur).

Combating this disease is usually confined to the elimination of the reasons. Drinking water deftoriruyut, passing through the absorbers, boil, desalt, defend. We recommend that a special diet. Neutralizes salt containing calcium and phosphorus, vitamins B and C, protein products. With the ability to adsorb fluoride and display it from the body, it is very healing milk.

To some, it may be more but the soul will have gargle. They used 0,1 - 0,2 per cent solution of sodium fluoride. The procedure, which lasts for 1-3 minutes, held twice a year for two weeks every other day.

Another option - application or fluoride varnish. In the first case, 1-2-percent solution of sodium fluoride gel or cause to carefully cleaned surfaces chubov - in contact with them, it solidifies in the form of thin films. Usually made of three to seven applications twice a year. Similarly, the teeth are covered, and fluoride varnish.

Along with the drugs of fluoride to prevent caries now use tools that increase the resistance of enamel to the destruction (they are called remineralizuyuschimi and method of application - reineralizuyuschey therapy) - a synthetic mixture containing ions necessary to restore and strengthen the enamel.

What is the mechanism of action remiparalizuyuschih funds? Penetrating osedaya outside and in different layers of hard tissue of teeth, the ions of calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, iron, molybdenum, etc. contribute to the formation of new crystals gidroksiapatita. As a result, the enamel becomes more resistant to acid shocks, and changes the nature of physico-chemical exchange of saliva. However, for successful remineralizadii need considerable time to help save some of his physical therapy procedures - Electricity and fonoforez.

понедельник, 11 мая 2009 г.

Bleach or not to bleach

trident gum ingredientsThings are changing, and your teeth all of a sudden become much more important than before. In interpersonal relationships, in employment, shining white, your teeth may help to open many doors.

And we are trying at any price otbelit his teeth. And even get! And then comes the problem ...

All nenaturalnye (chemical) drugs in a bleaching composition containing acid. Penetrating into the tooth tissue, they destroy, produce enamel and «pulls» natural tooth color, that is, whiten teeth, as hydrogen peroxide - hair. If the teeth otbelit within two years of 5-6 times, enamel completely disappear. Exposed dentine and the tooth becomes totally unprotected, ie, very receptive to different stimuli: cold, heat, sweet, sour, its sensitivity is many times higher, and people begin to feel real pain, even a small whiff of wind.

Why whiten your teeth so often? Yes, because once bleached teeth temneyut much faster, and it occurs after a small time after bleaching. Tea, coffee, fruit that we eat - all of these natural pigments. In the excited structure of enamel they are easier to penetrate, so some time after bleaching teeth can become darker than before. Yes, and the enamel is not restored. There is only support products that can cover your teeth after bleaching, to remove the sensitivity. These products with the content of fluorine.

In the West, patients who insist on the chemical whitening, warn about the consequences and may even get a receipt that the patient is alerted and a doctor is not responsible. Our dentists also avoid chemical bleach, but since these drugs, crowded the market, sold in shops, exhibitions, offices «home» Cosmetologists all sides, behind which, at best, three-month courses. Anyone who is not knowledgeable in these matters, may acquire chemical bleach and otbelit teeth at home. This is as follows: in the special instructions «Kapi» squeezed them with bleaching gel for 2-3 hours wear on teeth. Of any protection if this speech does not refer.

What to do?

First of all, remember: you can clean your teeth in clinical conditions (but not otbelit!) Only to the natural whiteness of enamel, which every person has a connotation: bluish or yellowish. And do not worry it is not: all well your teeth look good. Some people, by the way, are so thoroughly vychischayut teeth brushing, and that they apply to the clinic is not necessary. You can also use the paste to the bleaching effect.

Particularly, it does not cause harm, because you clean your teeth 1-2 minutes. But the best advice from their dentist, and suddenly you have a particularly sensitive or enamel defects, under which it will corrode the fabric of tooth paste more. By the way, the widespread belief that when a person has soft enamel, it is not clean your teeth more often, like once a day, rather misleading. You do not have to use a very stiff brush, you can take a medium soft or soft. Brush your teeth to be sure, as the plaque that forms on teeth and is removed during cleaning, erodes the enamel and causes inflammation of the gums: it - breeding microorganisms. But if you do not clean at night, they formed dental stones, which are also spoil the enamel and gums, and removed only at the clinic.

In the West, where a dentist services are very expensive, all understand: easier to deal with prevention than treatment of the teeth. But no toothpaste will not save people, if in his teeth a lot of stones and full score tooth spacing. Then paste just does not have full access to the teeth and does not affect the way it should be. Besides pasta, dentists are advised to use special opolaskivatelyami with bactericidal action, flosami (special threads for cleaning spaces between teeth), brand cud. It will be useful even to eat after eating an apple, which also cleans teeth. But it should be remembered: cigarette left on the teeth a yellowish-brown oily fur, so the smoker's teeth will never be perfectly white.

Dentists, with whom I consulted, with one voice saying: «Do not bleach the teeth themselves questionable means. Price white teeth may be too expensive ». They even offer a paradoxical thought: if there is a need to change their bad teeth on the white man (as do many Western actors), rather than hold their chemical bleaching.

A smile can harm a career

trident gum ingredients
Conducting surveys among adults shows that in the course of the day, women smile 62 times, while men only 8 times. In addition:

- 96% of people agree that an attractive smile is much easier in the dating and communication;

- 99,5% of the respondents include the smile and the teeth in the 3 key factors on which they pay attention at the first contact with a stranger;

- 84% agree with the view that the plain smiling with obvious cosmetic defects of teeth can reduce the chances of success in personal life and career of harm;

- 92% of respondents claim that their teeth are beautiful and attractive smile faster and better remembered;

- 28% - the number of respondents did not wish to change the status of your teeth and satisfied with their smile.

Source Здоровые зубы - что следует знать о своих зубах

среда, 29 апреля 2009 г.

How to choose a toothbrush

 trident gum ingredientsEveryone knows how effective continuum of care for teeth and oral cavity, which includes cleaning of the teeth for several minutes, 2 times a day, using special threads - flossa - the daily care of the interdental space, and regular visits to the dentist.

All we use toothpaste and toothbrushes. But because of the large amount of advertising toothpaste and a toothbrush is not given due attention. But without it, can not do neither child nor adult. But choosing the brush, we usually pay attention to aesthetic mind (form handles, color). But the effectiveness of a toothbrush is largely dependent on its proper selection. If you use poor quality toothbrush, we run the risk of causing great harm to the health of the mouth. The main criteria that determine the quality of toothbrushes, a bristle, the size of the head and configuration, the connection head and hands.

In our memories and in the last century have toothbrushes with natural bristles. So the ideal place for the reproduction of microbes - natural bristles. In the modern toothbrush bristles are usually made of synthetic material (nylon).

There are tough stubble, medium and soft. For adults the most acceptable is the bristles medium hardness, because it cleans well between the teeth and gum grooves.

A child under 1 year should be a special soft synthetic toothbrush, which should be boiled water to moisten. Children postarshe need to purchase a brush with soft bristles. They enjoy the same brush and adults with gum disease.

Fibers in the brush collected in the 3-4 series beams. There are many models of toothbrushes with different forms of the "working parts". But the design takes into account the best brushes, first and foremost, our security. Brush ideally should not traumatize the oral cavity and its edges should be rounded, and it should not be elektrostatichnoy, ie pull plastic dust.

The structure of the bristle toothbrushes also varies. Length of setae in the majority of brush about the same. A brush bristle bundles the latest generation of different lengths, and some models and even x-shaped arrangement of setae.

The size of the brush heads are between 18 and 35 mm. We recommend using a brush with a small head, so as to manipulate them more easily in the mouth. Children need to select the size of about 18 - 25 mm, and for adults - an average of 30 mm.

Of great importance is the availability of flexible connection toothbrush heads and handles. This makes it possible to "automatically" adjust the degree of pressure, which improves massazhiruyuschie and purifying properties. Unfortunately, in many toothbrushes did not have such a connection, and when cleaning the teeth than manual pressure decreases, which then can cause trauma to the mucous membrane and gum inflammation.

Nowadays a lot of selling counterfeit toothbrushes, which looks very similar to the original. But their use can be very sad: and infected gum pockets, and the omission of the edge of the gums, so bleeding gums, as well as thinning of the enamel, exposure of the neck of the tooth and the strengthening of the sensitivity of the teeth.

It should be clearly distinguished from the original forgery toothbrush. For example, widely advertised and well-known brush "Aquafresh Max Active" look different. As soon as the market entered this model, the market is there and then fill it in doubles. This type of piracy, as opposed to audio and video piracy, a little dangerous to humans. Such personal care products, like toothbrushes, can not and should not be issued without the testing, licensing and the necessary tests. Otherwise, they are a threat to our health. The only plus with those brushes made clear by whom and where - their value in the range 15 - 20 rubles. And, by and large, there is an advantage - expose their gums and teeth at risk for a couple of chervontsev?

Therefore, do not buy a toothbrush on the market at suspiciously low prices. With its purchase should carefully examine the packaging - it should be: name of manufacturer (in this case "GlaxoSmithKline"); e-mail address and sign Rostest. Yes, and the very marking of packaging often talk about forgery. Since its opening, you can see, instead of a flexible connection head and the handle (which is the original formulation "SmithKline Beecham") does not carry out its functions waxwork.

And finally, the most dangerous distinction, which, unfortunately, does not distinguish in the eye - it bristles. Natural brushes "Akvafresh" have a certain number of setae standard thickness with rounded polished tip. Mikrotravmy gums that cause tooth cleaning bristles with fakes, it is often the cause of gingivitis (gum inflammation).

We therefore recommend for the prevention of dental diseases only use branded toothbrushes.

Blood supply and innervation of periodontium

trident gum ingredients,Jaws and teeth are fed mainly by the inner jaw artery; parodont also supplied with blood by two groups of arteries - proper dental and mezhalveolyarnymi. Mezhalveolyarnye pass through interdental artery walls and to derive alveolus, periodontal and gum.

Blood and lymph vessels, many nerve fibers parodont feed and take part in the regulation of metabolism. Blood vessels are reported to the periodontal blood vessels gums and alveolus.

Nervous network parodontium represented by nerve fibers penetrating into periodontium at the top of the root together with the vascular-nerve bundle, reaching to the tooth pulp and the nerve fibers going from the alveolus, and partly from the gums. The main mass of nerve endings located within the periodontal beams.

Alveolar bone, the upper and lower jaw is also fed by blood vessels located outside the bone. Desna lower jaw has a lot of additional sources of blood, but with the age of capillaries zapustevaet. Lip and gum area schechnuyu supply blood vessels that form in the transition sections of the folds of twigs genial, chewing and nizhnegubnoy, as well as the outer jaw arteries. Lingual area of the gums is powered by the hypoglossal artery and hypoglossal anastomoses genial arteries.

At the upper jaw in schechnuyu and labial area of the blood comes from a special network of vessels - the arcade Broca, schechnoy artery, the upper labial artery, and in the sky - from the palatine arteries.

Each gum papilla has 4-5 parallel and form a plexus of small arteries. Capillaries gums are much longer. They have a very important function - to deliver to the tissues necessary nutrients and oxygen, display products exchange. For this purpose the blood vessels to cope due to high permeability of their walls. Permeability of the walls of capillaries is largely dependent on enzymes - highly active biological substances.

суббота, 18 апреля 2009 г.

Chew or not chew

trident gum ingredients
Thanks to television advertising, on the acid-alkaline balance of today know everything. But there are other positive effects of regular chewing. There are also negative aspects.

The first chewing gum appeared in antiquity. Thus, the Indians, in order to continuously train their gums and chewing muscles using a mixture of wool and honey. After the opening of Columbus of America, along with tobacco came to Europe and prefigurations modern chewing rezinok. But Europeans have not been able to evaluate all the advantages of continuous chewing.

The second birth of chewing gum in the United States occurred several centuries later. For the use of chewing spruce resin. In order to well razzhevat this story had its long warm up in the mouth, and this has hampered the spread of chewing gum. This breakthrough in «chewing» industry was to use juice sapodilly that with properties similar to latex.

Soon, in chewing gum have been adding sugar and a variety of flavors. In 1939 the world was the work of American professor Hollingvorta, which has been convincingly proved that the constant chewing relieves muscle tension and stress. Since that time, chewing gum has become a mandatory component of the rations of American soldiers.

There are several reasons why chewing gum is useful for a person:

Chewing gum good job removing the teeth after eating. However, it must be remembered that chew can do the same for its cleaning power with the toothbrush. When cleared, only one chewing (chewing) surface of the teeth. All others remained untreated.
Chewing is accompanied by ample provision of saliva, which comes at the expense of cleaning the teeth and the partial removal of remnants of food from the mouth.
Contained in the chewing gum saharozameniteli (sorbitol, Ksila) restored the acid-alkaline balance. Acidic environment promotes the development of germs that cause caries, while the alkaline environment prevents this.
Constant chewing strengthens the gums, which in turn helps the body cope with gingivitis and parodontitis.
However, there are some negative aspects:

Chewing gum containing sugar, as they are today represented in the market in a wide range, causing a reduction in pH, thus contributing to the development of caries.
Constant chewing may have an adverse impact on the temporal-mandibular joint that connects the temporal bone and lower jaw. In this regard, with an inflammation of the joints is not recommended to chew.
Chewing gum is a powerful selection gastric juice. According to the Gastroenterology, chewing on an empty stomach may cause or aggravate gastritis.
We hope that now you'll chew properly!

Chewing gum against gingivitis

trident gum ingredients
Company «BioGaia» has developed a chewing gum «Prodent», which is intended for the treatment of gingivitis. Of its constituent PTP bacteria increase immunity and to effectively fight gingivitis.

In Denmark, the University of Copenhagen, a study was conducted to identify the action of chewing gum on human health. It was attended by 42 patients who suffered moderate gingivitis. Half the patients have given chewing gum, the remaining participants in the experiment divided placebo. The results exceeded all expectations: improvement of the gums was observed in 86% of subjects who chewed daily «Prodent» within two weeks, a group of volunteers consumed a placebo, there has been positive changes.

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums occurs in 50% of the population aged over 30 years. The main symptoms - bleeding gums, usually during a tooth cleaning. If the disease is not treated promptly, can begin periodontitis.

Chewing gum - chew or not chew?

trident gum ingredientsChewing gum is produced food industry as a means to cleanse and refresh the mouth cavity, as well as the stimulation of salivation. The composition of chewing rezinok consists of elastic material, usually of plant origin, aromatic and flavor additives. In the oral cavity chewing gum by the action of the teeth, saliva and temperature softens, it is made of aromatic and flavor substances. When chewing happens the active stimulation of salivation and mouth is well cleaned.

Of course, this tool has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive effect of chewing gum - chewing muscles workout and good clearance of the oral cavity. In the process of chewing going on stimulation of blood circulation in the gums. However, the abuse of chewing gum can lead to increased chewing load and a negative effect on teeth. This is unacceptable in the diseases, defects of tooth rows, the mobility of the teeth. People suffering from such diseases, the use of chewing gum is not recommended.

Dentists do not recommend the use of chewing gum composition which includes sugar. This is due to kariesogennymi and acidogenic properties of sugar. From such a chewing gum more harm than good. In addition, any chewing gum can be no longer than 15 minutes, until the stored taste sensations.

In recent years, have found widespread use of chewing gum, comprising saharozameniteli, fluorides and other substances that have an effect protivokarioznoe. The use of such funds is not only safe for the bodies of the oral cavity, but also useful in connection with the preventive effects of these additives.

It is important to recommend the use of chewing rezinok after meals. This offset their adverse effects as a stimulator of secretion of gastric juice. The use of chewing gum an empty stomach or between meals could lead to adverse effects in patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Among the possible complications - and the exacerbation of disease progression.

When choosing rezinok chewing should take into account the manufacturer's products. The solid guarantee of purity and consistency of consumer characteristics and composition of their products.

вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.


trident gum ingredients
Parodontosis observed in 3-5% of all people, has expressed no symptoms of inflammation. Bone resolves slowly. Gingival signs of inflammation did not occur. The roots of the teeth denudative gradually, so that the teeth are elongated. Nudes-rooted teeth sharply reacted to the impact of cold, heat and chemical irritants.

Often the patients parodontosis on the neck of the teeth, especially the front, there cuneiform defects. In the final stages of the disease resolve alveolus teeth, especially when inflammation of the gums. Teeth loose and fall out.

Parodontosis proceeds in different ways. In some cases the process develops gradually, not accompanied by significant subjective feelings. Most of the teeth preserved, only a few teeth had to delete. With a favorable clinical course chewing function is not disrupted for long periods of time (10-15 years). This contributed to a healthy life, a rational regime of work and rest, good nutrition, good general condition, careful and regular care of the mouth. But in most cases, the disease takes an aggressive course, often exacerbated. Each recidivism (re-manifestation of signs of illness) is deteriorating condition of the affected teeth, in the pathological process involved neighboring areas periodontium.

Contribute to aggravate parodontosis overfatigue, catarrhal diseases, influenza, a violation of the functions of the digestive, neuro-psychological stress. Inflammation may worsen during periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, as well as diseases of urogenital system, etc.

Patients are nervous, irritable. The thought of imminent premature loss of teeth are persecuted. Feeling bad breath, they do not come into contact with people who avoid communication that is changing the stereotype. This affects the nature of man, his relationships and work.

Parodontosis may be accompanied by various complications. Frequent exacerbation of lead to the development of single or multiple abscesses, pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp), periodontitis (periodontal inflammation), periostita (inflammation of periosteum), and sometimes inflammation of jaw bones, etc.

Poor perezhevyvanie food due to the defeat of the teeth, getting into the pus from dentogingival semination of purulent cavities and consequently microbes stomach, gall bladder, gut cause inflammation of gastric mucosa, disruption of other digestive organs.

From dentogingival pockets germs can enter through the respiratory tract in the bronchi and lungs and cause them to fester. Purulent foci in dentogingival pockets and tissue products can be absorbed in the lymph and blood vessels and cause poisoning of the body. In doing so, the patients noted headache, malaise, increased body temperature. Purulent form parodontosis sometimes accompanied by diseases of the heart (endocarditis), kidney, bladder, inflammation of joints, etc. especially the complications during the disease burden in people with reduced immunity.


trident gum ingredientsGingivitis - inflammation of mucous membrane of the gums. Its seen as an early stage of generalized periodontitis, in which the pathologic process extends to the periodontium and alveolar bone. When gingivitis in the case of correct and timely treatment can still achieve full recovery of tissues periodontium.

At the beginning of gingivitis proceeds quietly, and patients sometimes do not pay attention to it. Desna has a pale-pink or pink, dense, gum region festonchaty, fit snugly to the teeth. This initial, or latent, phase. Subjectively, patients felt little burning sensation in the gums, pruritus, hunk, tingling, especially the morning. A desire to compress the teeth to get rid of these feelings.

An early sign of periodontitis is «wanton» tooth movement: the emergence of spacing between them, bringing forward the change of the holes (like a tooth grows), rotate around its axis. In closing jaws breached positioning the teeth that leads to congestion.

Very often when there parodontitis bleeding gums. Bleeding during a tooth cleaning, with nibble and chewing bread, raw vegetables and fruits, etc. In the more pronounced changes in the tissues of periodontium detect traces of blood or ichor on the pillow when sleeping. At this stage you bad breath. Sometimes the early manifestations of the disease progressing very slowly and patients do not pay attention to them, thus exacerbating the disease. Over time, gums red and otekaet, increases bleeding, especially in the lower front teeth.

Without the appropriate timely treatment is progressing disease. The pain takes nagging character, enhanced with chewing. Region gum and interdental papilliferous otekayut become loose, becoming bright red in color, bleeding from the slightest touch. Gum region, which is normal to fit snugly teeth, because of significant edema behind. At the same time between the gum and tooth formation of a large pocket, which, after the destruction of inflammation round ligament tooth reaches the depth of 3-4 mm. Push the edge of the gums accompanied by turbid, yellowish fluid containing ottorgshiesya epithelial cells, microbes, food residue, pus. Typically, during this period of the disease occurs much deposition of dental plaque or stone. As the disease exacerbated by the early manifestations and new: severe pain when chewing, bad breath. Fabrics loose gums, bleeding at the slightest touch. Sometimes patients feel numbness in the gums, do not feel the teeth, resulting in disrupted coordination of jaw movements. Saliva becomes brown or brown impurities from the blood of the infected gums. Often the patients because of abundant bleeding from the gums stop to clean the teeth, thus unwittingly contributing to the further development of the pathological process.

Swelling progresses. Due to stagnation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane becomes lividity gum color. Interdental gum papilliferous thicken, growing, sometimes atrophy, exposed neck of the teeth and interdental spaces. These processes drastically change the contours of the gums, in particular its edges. Interdental spaces filled with remnants of food. Propityvayas blood, they decompose and form a putrid smell. The exposed neck of the teeth are painful, are very sensitive to the effects of cold and heat. Eating becomes difficult.

As the progression of all the phenomena are exacerbated due to the destruction of alveolar bone and periodontal pockets deeper dentogingival to 6-8 mm. Teeth begin to loose, traumatizing tissue periodontium and contributing to their destruction.

In dentogingival pockets grows rich pink granulation, lavishly equipped with blood vessels. At the slightest injury, they are bleeding.

When infected granulation pyo melted. Pus, in turn, destroys the alveolar bone, increasing mobility of teeth due to loss of support.

Pathological mobility of teeth, gnoetechenie of dentogingival pockets, pain, recurrent exacerbation of inflammation cause the removal of teeth. Loss of teeth leads to an overload of the remaining, and hence the progression of the disease. Thus closes a vicious circle - the process is progressing dramatically deformed tooth row, a growing overload of the remaining teeth, which in turn leads to loss of teeth. To restore chewing apparatus becomes necessary prosthetics, which due to the destruction of alveolar process difficult.

The structure of the gum

trident gum ingredients Mucous membrane, lining with gubo-schechnoy and speaking-palatal side of alveolar bone, the thickness reaches 1-3 mm. Epithelium on the outer side of the gum has a thickness of 450 microns, and at the adjacent to the teeth - 100 microns.

The external layer of the cornea epithelium, located in separate sections of the mucous membrane of hard palate, gums, tongue and gum papilla exposed to the greatest stress, protects the mucosa from damage that may occur during chewing of food, clean teeth, massage gums, and other procedures.

Соединительнотканная basis gingival mucosa adjacent to the bone, is mainly composed of a network of thick collagen fibers. Some of them penetrate the alveolus (lunochku, which are the roots of the tooth). In prisheechnoy part of the tooth at the edge of alveolus collagen fibers, together with boundary periodontal fibers are part of the round ligament of teeth. Podepitelialny layer of mucous membrane contains mainly loose connective fibers, reaching the neck of the tooth to form around the roller height 1,5-2 mm.V field gum papilla (gum area between teeth) and gum edge of connective tissue less dense than in other parts of the gums .

Through the epithelium in the oral cavity of the body, and gum from food penetrate various biologically active substances. Permeability inflamed epithelium increases, thereby creating the conditions for infection periodontium.

Dentogingival groove formed vallate gum edges and surfaces of the neck of the tooth. Normally the depth of the range of 0,5-1,5 mm. At the bottom of the notch dentogingival is fibrous connective tissue - circular ligament tooth, providing him, along with other resistance. The surface of the bottom is covered with epithelium dentogingival grooves.

Alveolar bone consists of a sponge - a system of bone balochek covered with cells and connective fibers. Balochki form a cell width of 0.6 - 3.5 mm, filled with bone marrow. On the part of the gums and periodontal sponge limited compact layer of bone, which correspond to a compact disc jaw.

Periodontium - a dense fabric that keeps the root of the tooth to the bone alveolus. It consists of a large number of bundles of fibers (collagen, oksitalanovyh, elastic) that focus mainly on the radial walls of the root. Intervals between the bundles of fibers filled with loose, rich in cells and extracellular jelly substance of the connective tissue.

Parodont and its functions

trident gum ingredientsDesna, periodontium (tissue surrounding the root of the tooth) and the bone hole, in which the fixed tooth parodont account. They are grouped anatomically and physiologically. In this regard, inflammation or diseases develop simultaneously in all tissues of periodontium.

This anatomical complex tissue functions as a latch teeth, which are involved in the processes of chewing and speech. With the configuration of teeth saved person, outline the mouth, lips, nose, cheeks convexity. Loss of teeth is accompanied by a change in the exterior man, the reduction of chewing function. When this pathology reduced pressure on parodont, the number salivate, which leads to a deterioration of basic mechanical, chemical and enzymatic processing of food. In easing the burden of functional worsening blood circulation in the chewing muscles and the periodontium and, consequently, reduced metabolism in tissues of periodontium. As a consequence, reduce the amount of saliva, which has antimicrobial activity, creating the conditions for increasing the aggressiveness of microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Treatment of diseases depends on their nature. There are inflammatory, dystrophic, and malignancy. Of the most prevalent diseases periodontium gingivitis, generalized parodontitis and parodontosis.