понедельник, 1 июня 2009 г.

Fluoride combats tooth decay

trident gum ingredients
Fluoride in contact with one of the major mineral components of enamel - gidroksiapatitom, which is formed gidroksiftorapatit, which is much more resistant to the effects of different acids. This explains the weakening of the permeability of enamel.

In addition, fluorine slows metabolism and growth of micro-mouth - it can inhibit and delay the activity of one of the key enzymes of carbohydrate exchange, but slower than the speed of decomposition of carbohydrates, the less acid is formed. Scientists proved that fluorides also restore mineral and protein metabolism in teeth.

Currently, for the prevention of dental diseases, especially caries, use of organic and inorganic compounds of fluorine. The most frequently used fluorides of sodium, potassium, tin, titanium, aminoftorid. In humans, these substances are normally, drinking water or food. But in many parts of the sources of water fluoride concentration is available in small quantities. A caries appears when its content in drinking water reaches the 0.3 mark.

In this case, leaving the situation may be artificial fluoridation, and some even make fluoridation of table salt, milk and bread. Produced with the various drugs, pastes, gels and tablets, which must be used very carefully. As the excesses of kindness not to bring ...

Fluorosis. This disease appears due to chronic fluoride poisoning organism that develops as a result of prolonged consumption of food and drinking water with high concentrations of fluoride. Most often this disease affects children and adults in contact with fluorine compounds based on their activities. Initially, surface pa enamel formed small white and milk spots or bands, then formed Pigmented spots of yellow or brown color. Structure of hard tissue of the tooth is broken, deformed crown, enamel quickly wiped, and then shear. In severe fluorosis occurs defeat bones (spine and suffer the femur).

Combating this disease is usually confined to the elimination of the reasons. Drinking water deftoriruyut, passing through the absorbers, boil, desalt, defend. We recommend that a special diet. Neutralizes salt containing calcium and phosphorus, vitamins B and C, protein products. With the ability to adsorb fluoride and display it from the body, it is very healing milk.

To some, it may be more but the soul will have gargle. They used 0,1 - 0,2 per cent solution of sodium fluoride. The procedure, which lasts for 1-3 minutes, held twice a year for two weeks every other day.

Another option - application or fluoride varnish. In the first case, 1-2-percent solution of sodium fluoride gel or cause to carefully cleaned surfaces chubov - in contact with them, it solidifies in the form of thin films. Usually made of three to seven applications twice a year. Similarly, the teeth are covered, and fluoride varnish.

Along with the drugs of fluoride to prevent caries now use tools that increase the resistance of enamel to the destruction (they are called remineralizuyuschimi and method of application - reineralizuyuschey therapy) - a synthetic mixture containing ions necessary to restore and strengthen the enamel.

What is the mechanism of action remiparalizuyuschih funds? Penetrating osedaya outside and in different layers of hard tissue of teeth, the ions of calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, iron, molybdenum, etc. contribute to the formation of new crystals gidroksiapatita. As a result, the enamel becomes more resistant to acid shocks, and changes the nature of physico-chemical exchange of saliva. However, for successful remineralizadii need considerable time to help save some of his physical therapy procedures - Electricity and fonoforez.

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