среда, 24 июня 2009 г.

Do We Actually Know Enough to Keep Healthy Teeth?

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Do human beings actually know what they can do to keep their teeth healthy and clean? At a first glance we'd be inclined to say “yes”, but there are lots of things that we ignore or pay too little attention to. How often do we ask ourselves what happens in the mouth after we suck at some delicious candies or eat an entire chocolate bar in one go? Well, the thing that we don't know is that bacteria are restless, and they have no other greater environment to grow into than the acid one created after some sugary thing has been chewed. Healthy teeth are definitely in danger when the dental enamel falls pray to bacteria.

Should we put a ban on sweets then if we want healthy teeth and a beautiful smile? Absolutely not, all we need to do is to actually try and limit eating sweets to meal times, since the saliva production helps you better cope with the bacteria. The enzymes in the saliva help to the natural neutralization process of the bacteria, not to mention the fact that saliva also washes food particles away. There are some tricks you could stick to in order to preserve healthy teeth. First of all, you could rinse your mouth with fresh water to minimize the sugar level in the mouth.

Then, if you chew some sugar free gum after the meal, you'll increase the saliva production and thus lower the bacterial threat. Experts also claim that cheese for instance will restore the pH balance after the meal, and you'd be able to have healthy teeth despite eating sweets. Furthermore, in case you have a soft drink, use a straw to sip it so that you minimize the contact of the teeth with the sugary liquid. Some drinks are not recommended at all for somebody who is keen on having perfect healthy teeth: coffee and tea are two such beverages that can easily stain the enamel and even dry the mouth.

Even when they are 100% natural, too acidic fruit juices can equally destroy the pH balance in the mouth, attacking otherwise healthy teeth. Orange juice for instance changes the acid level in the mouth and leaves the teeth exposed to decay. The only things that can save you under the circumstances of an improper diet are closely related to the oral health routine you establish for yourself. You can even talk to your dentist to ask for advice and have him or her recommend a special toothpaste or mouthwash that best suits your dental condition.

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Teeth for Years. For More Information on Healthy Teeth, Visit His Site at HEALTHY TEETH

Article Source: articlesbase.com

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