среда, 29 апреля 2009 г.

How to choose a toothbrush

 trident gum ingredientsEveryone knows how effective continuum of care for teeth and oral cavity, which includes cleaning of the teeth for several minutes, 2 times a day, using special threads - flossa - the daily care of the interdental space, and regular visits to the dentist.

All we use toothpaste and toothbrushes. But because of the large amount of advertising toothpaste and a toothbrush is not given due attention. But without it, can not do neither child nor adult. But choosing the brush, we usually pay attention to aesthetic mind (form handles, color). But the effectiveness of a toothbrush is largely dependent on its proper selection. If you use poor quality toothbrush, we run the risk of causing great harm to the health of the mouth. The main criteria that determine the quality of toothbrushes, a bristle, the size of the head and configuration, the connection head and hands.

In our memories and in the last century have toothbrushes with natural bristles. So the ideal place for the reproduction of microbes - natural bristles. In the modern toothbrush bristles are usually made of synthetic material (nylon).

There are tough stubble, medium and soft. For adults the most acceptable is the bristles medium hardness, because it cleans well between the teeth and gum grooves.

A child under 1 year should be a special soft synthetic toothbrush, which should be boiled water to moisten. Children postarshe need to purchase a brush with soft bristles. They enjoy the same brush and adults with gum disease.

Fibers in the brush collected in the 3-4 series beams. There are many models of toothbrushes with different forms of the "working parts". But the design takes into account the best brushes, first and foremost, our security. Brush ideally should not traumatize the oral cavity and its edges should be rounded, and it should not be elektrostatichnoy, ie pull plastic dust.

The structure of the bristle toothbrushes also varies. Length of setae in the majority of brush about the same. A brush bristle bundles the latest generation of different lengths, and some models and even x-shaped arrangement of setae.

The size of the brush heads are between 18 and 35 mm. We recommend using a brush with a small head, so as to manipulate them more easily in the mouth. Children need to select the size of about 18 - 25 mm, and for adults - an average of 30 mm.

Of great importance is the availability of flexible connection toothbrush heads and handles. This makes it possible to "automatically" adjust the degree of pressure, which improves massazhiruyuschie and purifying properties. Unfortunately, in many toothbrushes did not have such a connection, and when cleaning the teeth than manual pressure decreases, which then can cause trauma to the mucous membrane and gum inflammation.

Nowadays a lot of selling counterfeit toothbrushes, which looks very similar to the original. But their use can be very sad: and infected gum pockets, and the omission of the edge of the gums, so bleeding gums, as well as thinning of the enamel, exposure of the neck of the tooth and the strengthening of the sensitivity of the teeth.

It should be clearly distinguished from the original forgery toothbrush. For example, widely advertised and well-known brush "Aquafresh Max Active" look different. As soon as the market entered this model, the market is there and then fill it in doubles. This type of piracy, as opposed to audio and video piracy, a little dangerous to humans. Such personal care products, like toothbrushes, can not and should not be issued without the testing, licensing and the necessary tests. Otherwise, they are a threat to our health. The only plus with those brushes made clear by whom and where - their value in the range 15 - 20 rubles. And, by and large, there is an advantage - expose their gums and teeth at risk for a couple of chervontsev?

Therefore, do not buy a toothbrush on the market at suspiciously low prices. With its purchase should carefully examine the packaging - it should be: name of manufacturer (in this case "GlaxoSmithKline"); e-mail address and sign Rostest. Yes, and the very marking of packaging often talk about forgery. Since its opening, you can see, instead of a flexible connection head and the handle (which is the original formulation "SmithKline Beecham") does not carry out its functions waxwork.

And finally, the most dangerous distinction, which, unfortunately, does not distinguish in the eye - it bristles. Natural brushes "Akvafresh" have a certain number of setae standard thickness with rounded polished tip. Mikrotravmy gums that cause tooth cleaning bristles with fakes, it is often the cause of gingivitis (gum inflammation).

We therefore recommend for the prevention of dental diseases only use branded toothbrushes.

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