среда, 29 апреля 2009 г.

Blood supply and innervation of periodontium

trident gum ingredients,Jaws and teeth are fed mainly by the inner jaw artery; parodont also supplied with blood by two groups of arteries - proper dental and mezhalveolyarnymi. Mezhalveolyarnye pass through interdental artery walls and to derive alveolus, periodontal and gum.

Blood and lymph vessels, many nerve fibers parodont feed and take part in the regulation of metabolism. Blood vessels are reported to the periodontal blood vessels gums and alveolus.

Nervous network parodontium represented by nerve fibers penetrating into periodontium at the top of the root together with the vascular-nerve bundle, reaching to the tooth pulp and the nerve fibers going from the alveolus, and partly from the gums. The main mass of nerve endings located within the periodontal beams.

Alveolar bone, the upper and lower jaw is also fed by blood vessels located outside the bone. Desna lower jaw has a lot of additional sources of blood, but with the age of capillaries zapustevaet. Lip and gum area schechnuyu supply blood vessels that form in the transition sections of the folds of twigs genial, chewing and nizhnegubnoy, as well as the outer jaw arteries. Lingual area of the gums is powered by the hypoglossal artery and hypoglossal anastomoses genial arteries.

At the upper jaw in schechnuyu and labial area of the blood comes from a special network of vessels - the arcade Broca, schechnoy artery, the upper labial artery, and in the sky - from the palatine arteries.

Each gum papilla has 4-5 parallel and form a plexus of small arteries. Capillaries gums are much longer. They have a very important function - to deliver to the tissues necessary nutrients and oxygen, display products exchange. For this purpose the blood vessels to cope due to high permeability of their walls. Permeability of the walls of capillaries is largely dependent on enzymes - highly active biological substances.

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