вторник, 25 августа 2009 г.

Teeth whitening

Trident gum ingredientsMany people find it very embarrassing to have discolored or stained teeth. They often develop undesirable and nervous habits such as covering their mouths when they smile. Some do not even smile or laugh in public and while taking photographs. But now yellow teeth are not much of a problem anymore, because several teeth whitening methods are available which will help your teeth look great and sparkling white.

There are several reasons why your teeth might develop a stained or discolored appearance. The most usual culprits are the environmental factors that you are exposed to on a daily basis and also unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking too much coffee or tea. Nicotine in the smoke reacts with the teeth to stain them. Teeth whiteners may help smokers temporarily, but if they continue smoking the teeth may revert to the yellowish tinge. Coffee and tea also stain the teeth over time because they alter the PH balance in the teeth. A good teeth whitener will help regain the lost color of the teeth.

Dentists use several teeth whitening methods to help you get your smile back. There are also quite a few teeth whiteners available in the market which will help whiten teeth. However, getting it done professionally by a good dentist is often the better option because you can be assured of the results. Professional teeth whitening also lasts longer. A home teeth whitener may be a good choice if you desire only a slight change.

Teeth whitening is often cosmetic, most people who desire to whiten their teeth have perfectly healthy teeth. Find the best teeth whitening product that works for you and get into a constant routine to maintain those pearly whites. As a child, your teeth were completely covered by strong, white enamel that acts as a protective barrier. Due to the daily stress this enamel wears away slowly becoming more and more translucent and the core of the teeth, dentin, begins to show through. Dentin is yellow in color and that is the reason why teeth develop a dull, unattractive color.

Taking care of your teeth should get into your daily routine. Brush your teeth as you wake up and before you go to bed. For extra care, get into the practice of brushing your teeth after breakfast as well. Floss, scrub your tongue and also use a good mouth wash. Adding a teeth whitening product to your regular brushing routine is a recommended practice to boost the whiteness of the teeth.

Author resource text:
The author recommends http://www.dentist.net for teeth whiteners, teeth whitening products and teeth whitening methods.

Sourse: http://www.amazines.com/

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