пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

On the influence of alcohol and nicotine on parodontium

Trident gum ingredients
Most people who chronically drink alcohol, there is change in periodontitis. Harmful effects of alcohol on parodontium done in several ways: through the other body systems (digestive, nervous, endocrine, etc.) and through the mucous membrane of periodontitis.

Indirect negative effects of alcohol can be illustrated by many facts. Under their influence weakened immune response. In patients with alcoholism violated metabolism and the process of salivation. Their incidence in 1,2 times higher than that of persons who are not drinkers. The most frequently observed diseases of the digestive system: among patients with gastrointestinal profile 30,2% were patients with chronic alcoholism. Disease of the stomach (gastritis) due to the direct effect of alcohol on the mucosa. Another possible mechanism of dysfunction of the stomach - through the nerve centers that affect the metabolism in the gastric mucosa. Patients with chronic alcoholism (even stage I) there are significant changes in blood vessels, which are a major cause of periodontal disease.

Abuse of alcohol weakens the body's defenses. Added to this the fact that patients with chronic alcoholism, usually irregularly and irrationally feed.

Most dental diseases are the result of alcohol. Patients with chronic alcoholism often develop traumatic osteomyelitis. Pathological processes poorly responsive to treatment.

Patients with chronic alcoholism parodontium is affected 2 times more likely than teetotalers. At a young age, patients with chronic alcoholism, usually occurs periodontitis.

Direct effects of alcohol is carried out in various ways: by increasing the permeability of the mucous membrane of the gums, increase the activity of the microflora of dental plaque due to poor content of the oral cavity, as well as by suppressing the protective mechanisms of alcohol saliva. Especially an effect of the microflora contained in dental plaque and extragingival pockets, the decline in the natural resistance and resilience of the organism, which is characteristic for patients with alcoholism.

One of the most effective measures to prevent seeding of oral microflora is regular and proper care of her. But patients with chronic alcoholism do not perform basic sanitation requirements: 70% of them do not brush their teeth at all, but a large percentage of patients using a toothbrush is extremely irregular.

Do not promote self-cleaning, oral diet and patients with alcoholism. They do not watch their diet, do not take into account the needs of the organism in various substances.

Chronic poisoning of the body alcohol compounded smoking. This habit is observed in 98% of patients with alcoholism. Tobacco adversely affects the periodontal tissues with any method of its use - chewing, smoking. High incidence of periodontitis observed in humans, chewing tobacco and betel.

Permeability of the mucous membrane resulting impact on the alcohol increased, thereby increasing absorbability of poisonous substances, microbial antigens and allergens. This increases the risk of various allergic diseases, poisoning the body with harmful substances of domestic and industrial origin.

Among the supporters of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages there is a perception that dry wine, brandy, beer does not have a negative effect on the body. Moreover, some of them even believe that small doses of alcohol have healing properties, for example, improve appetite, promotes relaxation in stressful situations. The results also many studies show the opposite. Alcohol does not eliminate stress, under his influence distorted human reaction to ongoing unpleasant events.

Alcohol interferes with the digestive system, blood formation, metabolism, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, makes a variety of dental diseases. It distorts the food reflex, extinguishes hunger, inhibits the allocation of gastric juice, which leads to the development of gastritis.

Not confirmed and the opinion of the antimicrobial action of alcohol. Proved that in order to reach a fatal concentration of alcohol for the microbes in the body, a person must drink at least 10 liters of spirits, but this dose is several times higher than lethal.

Fusel oil - a mandatory component of alcoholic beverages, especially liquor. In general, they define the toxicity (toxicity) of the drink. Introduced in the body alcohol very quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood. In the organs and tissues, it is unevenly distributed. Thus, it is concentrated in the liver by 50%, and in the brain of a 75% higher than in blood. Therefore, it is not surprising that one strong intoxication is accompanied by loss of several thousand brain cells.

Alcohol causes oxygen starvation of cells, increases blood viscosity, contributing to blockage of capillaries, and hence a violation of the microcirculation in the tissues, including in the periodontium. Inadequate blood supply periodontium contributes to the development of periodontitis and periodontitis.

Thus, adding to a existing diseases, promoting the development of new, reducing the ability of an organism to resist harmful influences of the environment, alcohol reduces a person's life.

вторник, 25 августа 2009 г.

Teeth whitening

Trident gum ingredientsMany people find it very embarrassing to have discolored or stained teeth. They often develop undesirable and nervous habits such as covering their mouths when they smile. Some do not even smile or laugh in public and while taking photographs. But now yellow teeth are not much of a problem anymore, because several teeth whitening methods are available which will help your teeth look great and sparkling white.

There are several reasons why your teeth might develop a stained or discolored appearance. The most usual culprits are the environmental factors that you are exposed to on a daily basis and also unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking too much coffee or tea. Nicotine in the smoke reacts with the teeth to stain them. Teeth whiteners may help smokers temporarily, but if they continue smoking the teeth may revert to the yellowish tinge. Coffee and tea also stain the teeth over time because they alter the PH balance in the teeth. A good teeth whitener will help regain the lost color of the teeth.

Dentists use several teeth whitening methods to help you get your smile back. There are also quite a few teeth whiteners available in the market which will help whiten teeth. However, getting it done professionally by a good dentist is often the better option because you can be assured of the results. Professional teeth whitening also lasts longer. A home teeth whitener may be a good choice if you desire only a slight change.

Teeth whitening is often cosmetic, most people who desire to whiten their teeth have perfectly healthy teeth. Find the best teeth whitening product that works for you and get into a constant routine to maintain those pearly whites. As a child, your teeth were completely covered by strong, white enamel that acts as a protective barrier. Due to the daily stress this enamel wears away slowly becoming more and more translucent and the core of the teeth, dentin, begins to show through. Dentin is yellow in color and that is the reason why teeth develop a dull, unattractive color.

Taking care of your teeth should get into your daily routine. Brush your teeth as you wake up and before you go to bed. For extra care, get into the practice of brushing your teeth after breakfast as well. Floss, scrub your tongue and also use a good mouth wash. Adding a teeth whitening product to your regular brushing routine is a recommended practice to boost the whiteness of the teeth.

Author resource text:
The author recommends http://www.dentist.net for teeth whiteners, teeth whitening products and teeth whitening methods.

Sourse: http://www.amazines.com/

суббота, 15 августа 2009 г.

Preventing gum disease

Preventing gum disease
Everyone knows that all the diseases of teeth and gums, usually caused by bacteria, and therefore must comply with the basic rule of prevention - a good oral hygiene.

This means not only cleaning brush teeth 2 times a day, and the use of sutures or dental flossa for a thorough cleaning interdental spacing.

In addition, after each meal should rinse your teeth. According to many dentists, not only effectively cleans the teeth but also help strengthen the teeth and gum chewing gum. This does not mean, of course, that throughout the day you need to chew gum - would be enough and 10 minutes. There is a need to buy do not contain sugar, chewing gum, and not to use several times a gum. Also recommended after eating chew natural deodorant means-piece aira root or twig of black currant.

Bleeding gums may occur not only because of their defeat by bacteria, it may be due to a number of diseases that are not related to dentistry, such as: diabetes, anemia, leukemia, other forms of scurvy and beriberi. And in such cases must also be treated to the dentist, but in parallel and should be treated by specialists in major diseases.

It is shown that the health of teeth and gums is very important not only hygiene, but also proper nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins, and carbohydrates should be limited quantity. Especially useful is the raw hard fruits and vegetables: apples, carrots - it not only supplies the body with vitamins, but also an excellent strengthening gums. Such a strengthening of the gums is recommended to start from childhood, and for the inhabitants of megacities is particularly relevant.

There are cases where gingivitis starts as a result of improper sealing of dental equipment or deficient prosthetic teeth. If after installing the prosthesis in a gum pain, gum swollen and red - to immediately contact the dentist. When inflammation of the gums as a result of the removal of teeth or improper treatment, a dentist at no extra cost to cure the effects of medical errors.

вторник, 4 августа 2009 г.

Care of the mouth in children

Trident gum ingredientsRecently, the development of caries increased among 2-3 year old children. At this age it is very difficult and even dangerous to provide any effective relief, and treatment is usually performed only under anesthesia.

Prevention of caries should begin when the child has not yet increased milk teeth, because the greatest number of microbes into the mouth to the child at this time. And it happens because:

• The child has no individual dishes
• Adults to try feeding foods with a spoon
• Frequent kiss moms, dads and other relatives
• Adults lick fallen dummy instead of what would oshparit her with boiling water

We recommend that after every meal to clean the baby mouth. It needs warm boiled water, cotton swab or gauze cloth. When you first milk teeth - purchase toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Pastes is better to use from about the age of two. Brush your teeth for children should be parents. This activity can be conducted in the form of the game.

The main disadvantages of toothpaste for children under 6 years:

1. Low even in the complete absence of fluoride. Typically, this is indicated on the package. We recommend that you apply the paste to the content of fluorine ions to 500ch/mln.
2. Small abrasive (abrade the impact of the paste on the tooth hard tissue). Abrasive should be in the range of 50 units (also available on the package).
3. For maximum protection against caries in the children's toothpaste should be composed of phosphorus and calcium
4. Convenient packaging and attractive appearance

Teeth whitening safer than orange juice, says study

Trident gum ingredientsConcentrations of hydrogen peroxide used in professional and over the counter teeth whitening processes don't cause significant changes to tooth enamel, according to US researchers.

Conversely the researchers found that an everyday practice such as drinking acidic fruit juices can have significant negative effects on the hardness and the roughness of tooth enamel.

The scientists, led by YanFang Ren at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health at the University of Rochester, investigated the effects of hydrogen peroxide 6 percent on tooth enamel.

According to the team, when compared to orange juice the hydrogen peroxide did not lead to any significant changes in the hardness of surface enamel.

After 20 minutes of daily exposure for five days to eBright Tooth Whitening Accelerator (6 percent hydrogen peroxide) provided by Beyond Dental Health which part funded the study, surface hardness was reduced by 5.6 percent.

Insignificant when compared to orange juice

However, compared to 20 minutes exposure to orange juice which reduced surface enamel by 84.4 percent, the researchers concluded the teeth whitening was insignificant.

"Enamel surface becomes significantly softer and rougher after the orange juice challenge," wrote the authors.

"The acid is so strong that the tooth is literally washed away," said lead author Ren.

Furthermore, softened and roughened enamel surfaces may predispose the tooth to the development of dental caries and non-carious lesions such as abrasion and attrition, according to the study.

The authors discussed the potential of fluoride to protect against the assault of acidic soft drinks on the teeth as it has been shown to help harden the enamel surface after whitening treatments; however, they were unsure as to fluoride's potential to fight against the dangers of acidic soft drinks.

"In contrast, the effectiveness of fluoride treatments on erosion caused by soft drinks has not been firmly established. Some studies have indicated that fluoride treatment had limited effect_but others have show that higher concentrations of fluoride could indeed reduce the erosive effects of soft drinks on surface enamel."

The researchers conclude that the results provide dentists with a unique perspective on the relative impact of tooth whitening on dental hard tissues.

Katie Bird,
Sourse: Cosmeticsdesign.com

пятница, 24 июля 2009 г.

Best over the counter teeth whitening - learn the truth about home teeth whiteners

Trident gum ingredientsWhen you have looked at all the options for getting white teeth again, you might have discovered that dental procedures are too costly. Once you start looking at home teeth whiteners you will be bombarded with tons of information and products. You might be overwhelmed at all the options and pick something that might not work. You need to learn about the best over the counter teeth whitening products.

The first thing you should keep in mind with teeth whitening products is the essential ingredients. The reason that your teeth can from yellow to white is because they are basically being bleached. This is done with the naturally formed hydrogen peroxide. This is basically a very concentrated form of oxygen. When this substance is applied to anything including your hair or your teeth, it whitens them.

With at home tooth whitening systems, the content of hydrogen peroxide cannot be very high. This is because it is very dangerous and can damage your gums and insides if accidentally swallowed. This is why you should look for the best over the counter tooth whitening product with the highest hydrogen peroxide content.

Make sure that when you purchase this kind of teeth whitening system, that you get the ones with the gel and gum guard. These work the best because they get the entire contents onto the teeth at once and are left for a period of time to work. Some products are advertised as tooth pastes that you brush on and then leave for a bit. These will not be as effective and some may not work at all because the ingredient has no time to work.

Once you know what to look out for when purchasing the teeth whitening from a store you will be able to get the best results. You can have whiter teeth in a short space of time.

Click here to get your risk free trial so you can have a brighter and whiter celebrity smile in minutes not days with the best over the counter teeth whitening endorsed by celebrities.

Author: Lee Ann Hairston
Sourse: http://www.ideamarketers.com/

вторник, 14 июля 2009 г.

Your teeth

Trident gum ingredientsYou bite into an apple and then try to start talking to your friend about yesterday's math homework. Suddenly something feels funny — one of your baby teeth has fallen out! It's been loose forever, and now there it is, right in your hand. And you have an empty space in your mouth big enough to poke a drinking straw through.

Before you put that tooth under your pillow, did you know that there is much more to that tooth than meets the eye? A single tooth has many different parts that make it work. And teeth play an important role in your daily life. They not only let you eat stuff like apples, they also help you talk. So let's talk teeth!
Tiny Teeth

Unlike your heart or brain, your teeth weren't ready to work from the day you were born. Although babies have the beginnings of their first teeth even before they are born, teeth don't become visible until babies are about 6 to 12 months old.

After that first tooth breaks through, more and more teeth begin to appear. Most kids have their first set of teeth by the time they are 3 years old. These are called the primary or baby teeth, and there are 20 in all. When a child gets to age 5 or 6, these teeth start falling out, one by one.

A primary tooth falls out because it is being pushed out of the way by the permanent tooth that is behind it. Slowly, the permanent teeth grow in and take the place of the primary teeth. By about age 12 or 13, most kids have lost all of their baby teeth and have a full set of permanent teeth.

There are 28 permanent teeth in all — eight more than the original set of baby teeth. Between the ages of 17 and 21, four more teeth called wisdom teeth usually grow in at the back of the mouth. They complete the adult set of 32 teeth.

Source: http://www.amazines.com/