вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.


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Parodontosis observed in 3-5% of all people, has expressed no symptoms of inflammation. Bone resolves slowly. Gingival signs of inflammation did not occur. The roots of the teeth denudative gradually, so that the teeth are elongated. Nudes-rooted teeth sharply reacted to the impact of cold, heat and chemical irritants.

Often the patients parodontosis on the neck of the teeth, especially the front, there cuneiform defects. In the final stages of the disease resolve alveolus teeth, especially when inflammation of the gums. Teeth loose and fall out.

Parodontosis proceeds in different ways. In some cases the process develops gradually, not accompanied by significant subjective feelings. Most of the teeth preserved, only a few teeth had to delete. With a favorable clinical course chewing function is not disrupted for long periods of time (10-15 years). This contributed to a healthy life, a rational regime of work and rest, good nutrition, good general condition, careful and regular care of the mouth. But in most cases, the disease takes an aggressive course, often exacerbated. Each recidivism (re-manifestation of signs of illness) is deteriorating condition of the affected teeth, in the pathological process involved neighboring areas periodontium.

Contribute to aggravate parodontosis overfatigue, catarrhal diseases, influenza, a violation of the functions of the digestive, neuro-psychological stress. Inflammation may worsen during periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, as well as diseases of urogenital system, etc.

Patients are nervous, irritable. The thought of imminent premature loss of teeth are persecuted. Feeling bad breath, they do not come into contact with people who avoid communication that is changing the stereotype. This affects the nature of man, his relationships and work.

Parodontosis may be accompanied by various complications. Frequent exacerbation of lead to the development of single or multiple abscesses, pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp), periodontitis (periodontal inflammation), periostita (inflammation of periosteum), and sometimes inflammation of jaw bones, etc.

Poor perezhevyvanie food due to the defeat of the teeth, getting into the pus from dentogingival semination of purulent cavities and consequently microbes stomach, gall bladder, gut cause inflammation of gastric mucosa, disruption of other digestive organs.

From dentogingival pockets germs can enter through the respiratory tract in the bronchi and lungs and cause them to fester. Purulent foci in dentogingival pockets and tissue products can be absorbed in the lymph and blood vessels and cause poisoning of the body. In doing so, the patients noted headache, malaise, increased body temperature. Purulent form parodontosis sometimes accompanied by diseases of the heart (endocarditis), kidney, bladder, inflammation of joints, etc. especially the complications during the disease burden in people with reduced immunity.

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