среда, 29 апреля 2009 г.

How to choose a toothbrush

 trident gum ingredientsEveryone knows how effective continuum of care for teeth and oral cavity, which includes cleaning of the teeth for several minutes, 2 times a day, using special threads - flossa - the daily care of the interdental space, and regular visits to the dentist.

All we use toothpaste and toothbrushes. But because of the large amount of advertising toothpaste and a toothbrush is not given due attention. But without it, can not do neither child nor adult. But choosing the brush, we usually pay attention to aesthetic mind (form handles, color). But the effectiveness of a toothbrush is largely dependent on its proper selection. If you use poor quality toothbrush, we run the risk of causing great harm to the health of the mouth. The main criteria that determine the quality of toothbrushes, a bristle, the size of the head and configuration, the connection head and hands.

In our memories and in the last century have toothbrushes with natural bristles. So the ideal place for the reproduction of microbes - natural bristles. In the modern toothbrush bristles are usually made of synthetic material (nylon).

There are tough stubble, medium and soft. For adults the most acceptable is the bristles medium hardness, because it cleans well between the teeth and gum grooves.

A child under 1 year should be a special soft synthetic toothbrush, which should be boiled water to moisten. Children postarshe need to purchase a brush with soft bristles. They enjoy the same brush and adults with gum disease.

Fibers in the brush collected in the 3-4 series beams. There are many models of toothbrushes with different forms of the "working parts". But the design takes into account the best brushes, first and foremost, our security. Brush ideally should not traumatize the oral cavity and its edges should be rounded, and it should not be elektrostatichnoy, ie pull plastic dust.

The structure of the bristle toothbrushes also varies. Length of setae in the majority of brush about the same. A brush bristle bundles the latest generation of different lengths, and some models and even x-shaped arrangement of setae.

The size of the brush heads are between 18 and 35 mm. We recommend using a brush with a small head, so as to manipulate them more easily in the mouth. Children need to select the size of about 18 - 25 mm, and for adults - an average of 30 mm.

Of great importance is the availability of flexible connection toothbrush heads and handles. This makes it possible to "automatically" adjust the degree of pressure, which improves massazhiruyuschie and purifying properties. Unfortunately, in many toothbrushes did not have such a connection, and when cleaning the teeth than manual pressure decreases, which then can cause trauma to the mucous membrane and gum inflammation.

Nowadays a lot of selling counterfeit toothbrushes, which looks very similar to the original. But their use can be very sad: and infected gum pockets, and the omission of the edge of the gums, so bleeding gums, as well as thinning of the enamel, exposure of the neck of the tooth and the strengthening of the sensitivity of the teeth.

It should be clearly distinguished from the original forgery toothbrush. For example, widely advertised and well-known brush "Aquafresh Max Active" look different. As soon as the market entered this model, the market is there and then fill it in doubles. This type of piracy, as opposed to audio and video piracy, a little dangerous to humans. Such personal care products, like toothbrushes, can not and should not be issued without the testing, licensing and the necessary tests. Otherwise, they are a threat to our health. The only plus with those brushes made clear by whom and where - their value in the range 15 - 20 rubles. And, by and large, there is an advantage - expose their gums and teeth at risk for a couple of chervontsev?

Therefore, do not buy a toothbrush on the market at suspiciously low prices. With its purchase should carefully examine the packaging - it should be: name of manufacturer (in this case "GlaxoSmithKline"); e-mail address and sign Rostest. Yes, and the very marking of packaging often talk about forgery. Since its opening, you can see, instead of a flexible connection head and the handle (which is the original formulation "SmithKline Beecham") does not carry out its functions waxwork.

And finally, the most dangerous distinction, which, unfortunately, does not distinguish in the eye - it bristles. Natural brushes "Akvafresh" have a certain number of setae standard thickness with rounded polished tip. Mikrotravmy gums that cause tooth cleaning bristles with fakes, it is often the cause of gingivitis (gum inflammation).

We therefore recommend for the prevention of dental diseases only use branded toothbrushes.

Blood supply and innervation of periodontium

trident gum ingredients,Jaws and teeth are fed mainly by the inner jaw artery; parodont also supplied with blood by two groups of arteries - proper dental and mezhalveolyarnymi. Mezhalveolyarnye pass through interdental artery walls and to derive alveolus, periodontal and gum.

Blood and lymph vessels, many nerve fibers parodont feed and take part in the regulation of metabolism. Blood vessels are reported to the periodontal blood vessels gums and alveolus.

Nervous network parodontium represented by nerve fibers penetrating into periodontium at the top of the root together with the vascular-nerve bundle, reaching to the tooth pulp and the nerve fibers going from the alveolus, and partly from the gums. The main mass of nerve endings located within the periodontal beams.

Alveolar bone, the upper and lower jaw is also fed by blood vessels located outside the bone. Desna lower jaw has a lot of additional sources of blood, but with the age of capillaries zapustevaet. Lip and gum area schechnuyu supply blood vessels that form in the transition sections of the folds of twigs genial, chewing and nizhnegubnoy, as well as the outer jaw arteries. Lingual area of the gums is powered by the hypoglossal artery and hypoglossal anastomoses genial arteries.

At the upper jaw in schechnuyu and labial area of the blood comes from a special network of vessels - the arcade Broca, schechnoy artery, the upper labial artery, and in the sky - from the palatine arteries.

Each gum papilla has 4-5 parallel and form a plexus of small arteries. Capillaries gums are much longer. They have a very important function - to deliver to the tissues necessary nutrients and oxygen, display products exchange. For this purpose the blood vessels to cope due to high permeability of their walls. Permeability of the walls of capillaries is largely dependent on enzymes - highly active biological substances.

суббота, 18 апреля 2009 г.

Chew or not chew

trident gum ingredients
Thanks to television advertising, on the acid-alkaline balance of today know everything. But there are other positive effects of regular chewing. There are also negative aspects.

The first chewing gum appeared in antiquity. Thus, the Indians, in order to continuously train their gums and chewing muscles using a mixture of wool and honey. After the opening of Columbus of America, along with tobacco came to Europe and prefigurations modern chewing rezinok. But Europeans have not been able to evaluate all the advantages of continuous chewing.

The second birth of chewing gum in the United States occurred several centuries later. For the use of chewing spruce resin. In order to well razzhevat this story had its long warm up in the mouth, and this has hampered the spread of chewing gum. This breakthrough in «chewing» industry was to use juice sapodilly that with properties similar to latex.

Soon, in chewing gum have been adding sugar and a variety of flavors. In 1939 the world was the work of American professor Hollingvorta, which has been convincingly proved that the constant chewing relieves muscle tension and stress. Since that time, chewing gum has become a mandatory component of the rations of American soldiers.

There are several reasons why chewing gum is useful for a person:

Chewing gum good job removing the teeth after eating. However, it must be remembered that chew can do the same for its cleaning power with the toothbrush. When cleared, only one chewing (chewing) surface of the teeth. All others remained untreated.
Chewing is accompanied by ample provision of saliva, which comes at the expense of cleaning the teeth and the partial removal of remnants of food from the mouth.
Contained in the chewing gum saharozameniteli (sorbitol, Ksila) restored the acid-alkaline balance. Acidic environment promotes the development of germs that cause caries, while the alkaline environment prevents this.
Constant chewing strengthens the gums, which in turn helps the body cope with gingivitis and parodontitis.
However, there are some negative aspects:

Chewing gum containing sugar, as they are today represented in the market in a wide range, causing a reduction in pH, thus contributing to the development of caries.
Constant chewing may have an adverse impact on the temporal-mandibular joint that connects the temporal bone and lower jaw. In this regard, with an inflammation of the joints is not recommended to chew.
Chewing gum is a powerful selection gastric juice. According to the Gastroenterology, chewing on an empty stomach may cause or aggravate gastritis.
We hope that now you'll chew properly!

Chewing gum against gingivitis

trident gum ingredients
Company «BioGaia» has developed a chewing gum «Prodent», which is intended for the treatment of gingivitis. Of its constituent PTP bacteria increase immunity and to effectively fight gingivitis.

In Denmark, the University of Copenhagen, a study was conducted to identify the action of chewing gum on human health. It was attended by 42 patients who suffered moderate gingivitis. Half the patients have given chewing gum, the remaining participants in the experiment divided placebo. The results exceeded all expectations: improvement of the gums was observed in 86% of subjects who chewed daily «Prodent» within two weeks, a group of volunteers consumed a placebo, there has been positive changes.

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums occurs in 50% of the population aged over 30 years. The main symptoms - bleeding gums, usually during a tooth cleaning. If the disease is not treated promptly, can begin periodontitis.

Chewing gum - chew or not chew?

trident gum ingredientsChewing gum is produced food industry as a means to cleanse and refresh the mouth cavity, as well as the stimulation of salivation. The composition of chewing rezinok consists of elastic material, usually of plant origin, aromatic and flavor additives. In the oral cavity chewing gum by the action of the teeth, saliva and temperature softens, it is made of aromatic and flavor substances. When chewing happens the active stimulation of salivation and mouth is well cleaned.

Of course, this tool has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive effect of chewing gum - chewing muscles workout and good clearance of the oral cavity. In the process of chewing going on stimulation of blood circulation in the gums. However, the abuse of chewing gum can lead to increased chewing load and a negative effect on teeth. This is unacceptable in the diseases, defects of tooth rows, the mobility of the teeth. People suffering from such diseases, the use of chewing gum is not recommended.

Dentists do not recommend the use of chewing gum composition which includes sugar. This is due to kariesogennymi and acidogenic properties of sugar. From such a chewing gum more harm than good. In addition, any chewing gum can be no longer than 15 minutes, until the stored taste sensations.

In recent years, have found widespread use of chewing gum, comprising saharozameniteli, fluorides and other substances that have an effect protivokarioznoe. The use of such funds is not only safe for the bodies of the oral cavity, but also useful in connection with the preventive effects of these additives.

It is important to recommend the use of chewing rezinok after meals. This offset their adverse effects as a stimulator of secretion of gastric juice. The use of chewing gum an empty stomach or between meals could lead to adverse effects in patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Among the possible complications - and the exacerbation of disease progression.

When choosing rezinok chewing should take into account the manufacturer's products. The solid guarantee of purity and consistency of consumer characteristics and composition of their products.

вторник, 14 апреля 2009 г.


trident gum ingredients
Parodontosis observed in 3-5% of all people, has expressed no symptoms of inflammation. Bone resolves slowly. Gingival signs of inflammation did not occur. The roots of the teeth denudative gradually, so that the teeth are elongated. Nudes-rooted teeth sharply reacted to the impact of cold, heat and chemical irritants.

Often the patients parodontosis on the neck of the teeth, especially the front, there cuneiform defects. In the final stages of the disease resolve alveolus teeth, especially when inflammation of the gums. Teeth loose and fall out.

Parodontosis proceeds in different ways. In some cases the process develops gradually, not accompanied by significant subjective feelings. Most of the teeth preserved, only a few teeth had to delete. With a favorable clinical course chewing function is not disrupted for long periods of time (10-15 years). This contributed to a healthy life, a rational regime of work and rest, good nutrition, good general condition, careful and regular care of the mouth. But in most cases, the disease takes an aggressive course, often exacerbated. Each recidivism (re-manifestation of signs of illness) is deteriorating condition of the affected teeth, in the pathological process involved neighboring areas periodontium.

Contribute to aggravate parodontosis overfatigue, catarrhal diseases, influenza, a violation of the functions of the digestive, neuro-psychological stress. Inflammation may worsen during periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, as well as diseases of urogenital system, etc.

Patients are nervous, irritable. The thought of imminent premature loss of teeth are persecuted. Feeling bad breath, they do not come into contact with people who avoid communication that is changing the stereotype. This affects the nature of man, his relationships and work.

Parodontosis may be accompanied by various complications. Frequent exacerbation of lead to the development of single or multiple abscesses, pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp), periodontitis (periodontal inflammation), periostita (inflammation of periosteum), and sometimes inflammation of jaw bones, etc.

Poor perezhevyvanie food due to the defeat of the teeth, getting into the pus from dentogingival semination of purulent cavities and consequently microbes stomach, gall bladder, gut cause inflammation of gastric mucosa, disruption of other digestive organs.

From dentogingival pockets germs can enter through the respiratory tract in the bronchi and lungs and cause them to fester. Purulent foci in dentogingival pockets and tissue products can be absorbed in the lymph and blood vessels and cause poisoning of the body. In doing so, the patients noted headache, malaise, increased body temperature. Purulent form parodontosis sometimes accompanied by diseases of the heart (endocarditis), kidney, bladder, inflammation of joints, etc. especially the complications during the disease burden in people with reduced immunity.


trident gum ingredientsGingivitis - inflammation of mucous membrane of the gums. Its seen as an early stage of generalized periodontitis, in which the pathologic process extends to the periodontium and alveolar bone. When gingivitis in the case of correct and timely treatment can still achieve full recovery of tissues periodontium.

At the beginning of gingivitis proceeds quietly, and patients sometimes do not pay attention to it. Desna has a pale-pink or pink, dense, gum region festonchaty, fit snugly to the teeth. This initial, or latent, phase. Subjectively, patients felt little burning sensation in the gums, pruritus, hunk, tingling, especially the morning. A desire to compress the teeth to get rid of these feelings.

An early sign of periodontitis is «wanton» tooth movement: the emergence of spacing between them, bringing forward the change of the holes (like a tooth grows), rotate around its axis. In closing jaws breached positioning the teeth that leads to congestion.

Very often when there parodontitis bleeding gums. Bleeding during a tooth cleaning, with nibble and chewing bread, raw vegetables and fruits, etc. In the more pronounced changes in the tissues of periodontium detect traces of blood or ichor on the pillow when sleeping. At this stage you bad breath. Sometimes the early manifestations of the disease progressing very slowly and patients do not pay attention to them, thus exacerbating the disease. Over time, gums red and otekaet, increases bleeding, especially in the lower front teeth.

Without the appropriate timely treatment is progressing disease. The pain takes nagging character, enhanced with chewing. Region gum and interdental papilliferous otekayut become loose, becoming bright red in color, bleeding from the slightest touch. Gum region, which is normal to fit snugly teeth, because of significant edema behind. At the same time between the gum and tooth formation of a large pocket, which, after the destruction of inflammation round ligament tooth reaches the depth of 3-4 mm. Push the edge of the gums accompanied by turbid, yellowish fluid containing ottorgshiesya epithelial cells, microbes, food residue, pus. Typically, during this period of the disease occurs much deposition of dental plaque or stone. As the disease exacerbated by the early manifestations and new: severe pain when chewing, bad breath. Fabrics loose gums, bleeding at the slightest touch. Sometimes patients feel numbness in the gums, do not feel the teeth, resulting in disrupted coordination of jaw movements. Saliva becomes brown or brown impurities from the blood of the infected gums. Often the patients because of abundant bleeding from the gums stop to clean the teeth, thus unwittingly contributing to the further development of the pathological process.

Swelling progresses. Due to stagnation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane becomes lividity gum color. Interdental gum papilliferous thicken, growing, sometimes atrophy, exposed neck of the teeth and interdental spaces. These processes drastically change the contours of the gums, in particular its edges. Interdental spaces filled with remnants of food. Propityvayas blood, they decompose and form a putrid smell. The exposed neck of the teeth are painful, are very sensitive to the effects of cold and heat. Eating becomes difficult.

As the progression of all the phenomena are exacerbated due to the destruction of alveolar bone and periodontal pockets deeper dentogingival to 6-8 mm. Teeth begin to loose, traumatizing tissue periodontium and contributing to their destruction.

In dentogingival pockets grows rich pink granulation, lavishly equipped with blood vessels. At the slightest injury, they are bleeding.

When infected granulation pyo melted. Pus, in turn, destroys the alveolar bone, increasing mobility of teeth due to loss of support.

Pathological mobility of teeth, gnoetechenie of dentogingival pockets, pain, recurrent exacerbation of inflammation cause the removal of teeth. Loss of teeth leads to an overload of the remaining, and hence the progression of the disease. Thus closes a vicious circle - the process is progressing dramatically deformed tooth row, a growing overload of the remaining teeth, which in turn leads to loss of teeth. To restore chewing apparatus becomes necessary prosthetics, which due to the destruction of alveolar process difficult.

The structure of the gum

trident gum ingredients Mucous membrane, lining with gubo-schechnoy and speaking-palatal side of alveolar bone, the thickness reaches 1-3 mm. Epithelium on the outer side of the gum has a thickness of 450 microns, and at the adjacent to the teeth - 100 microns.

The external layer of the cornea epithelium, located in separate sections of the mucous membrane of hard palate, gums, tongue and gum papilla exposed to the greatest stress, protects the mucosa from damage that may occur during chewing of food, clean teeth, massage gums, and other procedures.

Соединительнотканная basis gingival mucosa adjacent to the bone, is mainly composed of a network of thick collagen fibers. Some of them penetrate the alveolus (lunochku, which are the roots of the tooth). In prisheechnoy part of the tooth at the edge of alveolus collagen fibers, together with boundary periodontal fibers are part of the round ligament of teeth. Podepitelialny layer of mucous membrane contains mainly loose connective fibers, reaching the neck of the tooth to form around the roller height 1,5-2 mm.V field gum papilla (gum area between teeth) and gum edge of connective tissue less dense than in other parts of the gums .

Through the epithelium in the oral cavity of the body, and gum from food penetrate various biologically active substances. Permeability inflamed epithelium increases, thereby creating the conditions for infection periodontium.

Dentogingival groove formed vallate gum edges and surfaces of the neck of the tooth. Normally the depth of the range of 0,5-1,5 mm. At the bottom of the notch dentogingival is fibrous connective tissue - circular ligament tooth, providing him, along with other resistance. The surface of the bottom is covered with epithelium dentogingival grooves.

Alveolar bone consists of a sponge - a system of bone balochek covered with cells and connective fibers. Balochki form a cell width of 0.6 - 3.5 mm, filled with bone marrow. On the part of the gums and periodontal sponge limited compact layer of bone, which correspond to a compact disc jaw.

Periodontium - a dense fabric that keeps the root of the tooth to the bone alveolus. It consists of a large number of bundles of fibers (collagen, oksitalanovyh, elastic) that focus mainly on the radial walls of the root. Intervals between the bundles of fibers filled with loose, rich in cells and extracellular jelly substance of the connective tissue.

Parodont and its functions

trident gum ingredientsDesna, periodontium (tissue surrounding the root of the tooth) and the bone hole, in which the fixed tooth parodont account. They are grouped anatomically and physiologically. In this regard, inflammation or diseases develop simultaneously in all tissues of periodontium.

This anatomical complex tissue functions as a latch teeth, which are involved in the processes of chewing and speech. With the configuration of teeth saved person, outline the mouth, lips, nose, cheeks convexity. Loss of teeth is accompanied by a change in the exterior man, the reduction of chewing function. When this pathology reduced pressure on parodont, the number salivate, which leads to a deterioration of basic mechanical, chemical and enzymatic processing of food. In easing the burden of functional worsening blood circulation in the chewing muscles and the periodontium and, consequently, reduced metabolism in tissues of periodontium. As a consequence, reduce the amount of saliva, which has antimicrobial activity, creating the conditions for increasing the aggressiveness of microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Treatment of diseases depends on their nature. There are inflammatory, dystrophic, and malignancy. Of the most prevalent diseases periodontium gingivitis, generalized parodontitis and parodontosis.