пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

On the influence of alcohol and nicotine on parodontium

Trident gum ingredients
Most people who chronically drink alcohol, there is change in periodontitis. Harmful effects of alcohol on parodontium done in several ways: through the other body systems (digestive, nervous, endocrine, etc.) and through the mucous membrane of periodontitis.

Indirect negative effects of alcohol can be illustrated by many facts. Under their influence weakened immune response. In patients with alcoholism violated metabolism and the process of salivation. Their incidence in 1,2 times higher than that of persons who are not drinkers. The most frequently observed diseases of the digestive system: among patients with gastrointestinal profile 30,2% were patients with chronic alcoholism. Disease of the stomach (gastritis) due to the direct effect of alcohol on the mucosa. Another possible mechanism of dysfunction of the stomach - through the nerve centers that affect the metabolism in the gastric mucosa. Patients with chronic alcoholism (even stage I) there are significant changes in blood vessels, which are a major cause of periodontal disease.

Abuse of alcohol weakens the body's defenses. Added to this the fact that patients with chronic alcoholism, usually irregularly and irrationally feed.

Most dental diseases are the result of alcohol. Patients with chronic alcoholism often develop traumatic osteomyelitis. Pathological processes poorly responsive to treatment.

Patients with chronic alcoholism parodontium is affected 2 times more likely than teetotalers. At a young age, patients with chronic alcoholism, usually occurs periodontitis.

Direct effects of alcohol is carried out in various ways: by increasing the permeability of the mucous membrane of the gums, increase the activity of the microflora of dental plaque due to poor content of the oral cavity, as well as by suppressing the protective mechanisms of alcohol saliva. Especially an effect of the microflora contained in dental plaque and extragingival pockets, the decline in the natural resistance and resilience of the organism, which is characteristic for patients with alcoholism.

One of the most effective measures to prevent seeding of oral microflora is regular and proper care of her. But patients with chronic alcoholism do not perform basic sanitation requirements: 70% of them do not brush their teeth at all, but a large percentage of patients using a toothbrush is extremely irregular.

Do not promote self-cleaning, oral diet and patients with alcoholism. They do not watch their diet, do not take into account the needs of the organism in various substances.

Chronic poisoning of the body alcohol compounded smoking. This habit is observed in 98% of patients with alcoholism. Tobacco adversely affects the periodontal tissues with any method of its use - chewing, smoking. High incidence of periodontitis observed in humans, chewing tobacco and betel.

Permeability of the mucous membrane resulting impact on the alcohol increased, thereby increasing absorbability of poisonous substances, microbial antigens and allergens. This increases the risk of various allergic diseases, poisoning the body with harmful substances of domestic and industrial origin.

Among the supporters of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages there is a perception that dry wine, brandy, beer does not have a negative effect on the body. Moreover, some of them even believe that small doses of alcohol have healing properties, for example, improve appetite, promotes relaxation in stressful situations. The results also many studies show the opposite. Alcohol does not eliminate stress, under his influence distorted human reaction to ongoing unpleasant events.

Alcohol interferes with the digestive system, blood formation, metabolism, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, makes a variety of dental diseases. It distorts the food reflex, extinguishes hunger, inhibits the allocation of gastric juice, which leads to the development of gastritis.

Not confirmed and the opinion of the antimicrobial action of alcohol. Proved that in order to reach a fatal concentration of alcohol for the microbes in the body, a person must drink at least 10 liters of spirits, but this dose is several times higher than lethal.

Fusel oil - a mandatory component of alcoholic beverages, especially liquor. In general, they define the toxicity (toxicity) of the drink. Introduced in the body alcohol very quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood. In the organs and tissues, it is unevenly distributed. Thus, it is concentrated in the liver by 50%, and in the brain of a 75% higher than in blood. Therefore, it is not surprising that one strong intoxication is accompanied by loss of several thousand brain cells.

Alcohol causes oxygen starvation of cells, increases blood viscosity, contributing to blockage of capillaries, and hence a violation of the microcirculation in the tissues, including in the periodontium. Inadequate blood supply periodontium contributes to the development of periodontitis and periodontitis.

Thus, adding to a existing diseases, promoting the development of new, reducing the ability of an organism to resist harmful influences of the environment, alcohol reduces a person's life.