понедельник, 11 мая 2009 г.

Bleach or not to bleach

trident gum ingredientsThings are changing, and your teeth all of a sudden become much more important than before. In interpersonal relationships, in employment, shining white, your teeth may help to open many doors.

And we are trying at any price otbelit his teeth. And even get! And then comes the problem ...

All nenaturalnye (chemical) drugs in a bleaching composition containing acid. Penetrating into the tooth tissue, they destroy, produce enamel and «pulls» natural tooth color, that is, whiten teeth, as hydrogen peroxide - hair. If the teeth otbelit within two years of 5-6 times, enamel completely disappear. Exposed dentine and the tooth becomes totally unprotected, ie, very receptive to different stimuli: cold, heat, sweet, sour, its sensitivity is many times higher, and people begin to feel real pain, even a small whiff of wind.

Why whiten your teeth so often? Yes, because once bleached teeth temneyut much faster, and it occurs after a small time after bleaching. Tea, coffee, fruit that we eat - all of these natural pigments. In the excited structure of enamel they are easier to penetrate, so some time after bleaching teeth can become darker than before. Yes, and the enamel is not restored. There is only support products that can cover your teeth after bleaching, to remove the sensitivity. These products with the content of fluorine.

In the West, patients who insist on the chemical whitening, warn about the consequences and may even get a receipt that the patient is alerted and a doctor is not responsible. Our dentists also avoid chemical bleach, but since these drugs, crowded the market, sold in shops, exhibitions, offices «home» Cosmetologists all sides, behind which, at best, three-month courses. Anyone who is not knowledgeable in these matters, may acquire chemical bleach and otbelit teeth at home. This is as follows: in the special instructions «Kapi» squeezed them with bleaching gel for 2-3 hours wear on teeth. Of any protection if this speech does not refer.

What to do?

First of all, remember: you can clean your teeth in clinical conditions (but not otbelit!) Only to the natural whiteness of enamel, which every person has a connotation: bluish or yellowish. And do not worry it is not: all well your teeth look good. Some people, by the way, are so thoroughly vychischayut teeth brushing, and that they apply to the clinic is not necessary. You can also use the paste to the bleaching effect.

Particularly, it does not cause harm, because you clean your teeth 1-2 minutes. But the best advice from their dentist, and suddenly you have a particularly sensitive or enamel defects, under which it will corrode the fabric of tooth paste more. By the way, the widespread belief that when a person has soft enamel, it is not clean your teeth more often, like once a day, rather misleading. You do not have to use a very stiff brush, you can take a medium soft or soft. Brush your teeth to be sure, as the plaque that forms on teeth and is removed during cleaning, erodes the enamel and causes inflammation of the gums: it - breeding microorganisms. But if you do not clean at night, they formed dental stones, which are also spoil the enamel and gums, and removed only at the clinic.

In the West, where a dentist services are very expensive, all understand: easier to deal with prevention than treatment of the teeth. But no toothpaste will not save people, if in his teeth a lot of stones and full score tooth spacing. Then paste just does not have full access to the teeth and does not affect the way it should be. Besides pasta, dentists are advised to use special opolaskivatelyami with bactericidal action, flosami (special threads for cleaning spaces between teeth), brand cud. It will be useful even to eat after eating an apple, which also cleans teeth. But it should be remembered: cigarette left on the teeth a yellowish-brown oily fur, so the smoker's teeth will never be perfectly white.

Dentists, with whom I consulted, with one voice saying: «Do not bleach the teeth themselves questionable means. Price white teeth may be too expensive ». They even offer a paradoxical thought: if there is a need to change their bad teeth on the white man (as do many Western actors), rather than hold their chemical bleaching.

A smile can harm a career

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Conducting surveys among adults shows that in the course of the day, women smile 62 times, while men only 8 times. In addition:

- 96% of people agree that an attractive smile is much easier in the dating and communication;

- 99,5% of the respondents include the smile and the teeth in the 3 key factors on which they pay attention at the first contact with a stranger;

- 84% agree with the view that the plain smiling with obvious cosmetic defects of teeth can reduce the chances of success in personal life and career of harm;

- 92% of respondents claim that their teeth are beautiful and attractive smile faster and better remembered;

- 28% - the number of respondents did not wish to change the status of your teeth and satisfied with their smile.

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